Monday Thought: Sleeping Mask, Travel Outfit, Outfit of the Week


Happy Monday ladies. As I mentioned in my email yesterday, we flew home for some doctor appointments last week. My dry eyes are giving me so many problems that I had to have them checked out. My regular doctor was full, so I saw one of his friends. He reassured me that I was following the correct protocol for treating dry eyes, but I’m still struggling, so this fall we can add one more step to my process. Hurray! It feels like my morning and evening routines already have so many steps, but what should a girl do? He suggested a new eye drop that I love!


People with dry eye syndrome are often bothered by the preservatives in eye drops. I have used multiple drops in these individual bottles that are very easy to store in every pocket and bag I own. This new doctor suggested these Occusoft Retaine MGD drops, which I find very comforting! I won’t pretend I know what’s in them or why they’re comforting, but they are, so I’ll stick with them.

Sleep Mask

I started wearing a sleep mask because my eyes weren’t fully closed while I was sleeping. I tried a beautiful silk a few months ago and couldn’t sleep in it. Stable I ordered this ugly one that came highly recommended.

I thought this would be an acclimation period to get used to sleeping in it, but when I first tried it, I slept all night. It is also a 100% light blocking and zero eye pressure mask which is very helpful for the summer when the sun rises sickly early. I’m sure I look goofy in this, but I don’t care if it helps my dry eyes.

Travel Clothing

Here’s what I wore on my flight to Vancouver for the weekend. I’m used to people dressing like they’re going to the gym instead of the airport, but that day was particularly bad. You don’t need to wear uncomfortable clothes while flying, but I think a little extra effort will go a long way. I see this as a form of self-respect and respect towards people working in the industry.

Dress of the Week

Yesterday I saw a girl (probably my age or older) walking along the sea wall, she was wearing an amazing outfit that I wish I had. It was warm, so I liked the look of their supportive yet stylish sandals. Here is the interpretation of her outfit.

I have many features of this outfit and could be wearing something very similar. I was inspired to copy her look this week. I’ve been experimenting with my waist bag worn as a sling and it’s very comfortable, so I might take a look at one. Do you copy the clothes you like?

Thanks for reading, and be sure to wear what makes you feel safe.


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