How Style Guidelines Simplify Your Choices — Inside Out Style



Stuck with style rules?

Do you strictly follow the style rules or do you not believe in the style rules that anyone can wear what they want?

Both of these are more extreme views, and I think your best personal style sits somewhere in the middle.

Tired of feeling overwhelmed by style rules and not sure what works for you? Do you want to feel safe and comfortable in your clothes?

Let’s explore the idea of ​​style guidelines as a helpful tool rather than restrictive rules. By understanding and trying these suggestions, you can develop your unique sense of style that reflects your personality, lifestyle and body fit.

1. From Rules to Guidelines

Being in charge means having your style match your personality, lifestyle, color and unique body.

  • While many people seek a set of style rules to follow, others reject any form of restraint.
  • Instead of viewing style as a strict set of rules, think of them as guidelines or recommendations.
  • Style guidelines provide a gentle framework for you to discover what works for you personally.
  • If you don’t know what worksIt’s hard to figure out what you should try out of all the possible options.
  • Embrace the happy medium between strict rules and total freedom.

2. Body Harmony on the Figure Minion

What does figure flattery mean to you? For some people, not being able to express their personality when they’re stuck trying to make themselves look “weak” feels limiting and they feel oppressive. That’s why I prefer to think about dressing your body in harmony with its unique features. You are the boss and you can choose whether you want to emphasize one part of your body or draw attention to another.

I noticed that I feel better looking when I wear clothes that match my body and color. If I try and wear styles for the opposite body shape, I just don’t like the outfits and outfits I’m wearing and it doesn’t give me the same confidence.

  • Style should not just be about looking skinny, it should be about feeling good and expressing your uniqueness.
  • Understand that different aspects are important to different people and that body fit goes beyond figure flattery.
  • Addressing body concerns can positively affect how you feel, and answering style questions can be empowering.

3. Handrail Not Clamp

Everything I suggest should be seen as a handrail to help you get where you want to go. It’s not the handcuffs that keep you in or make you feel like you have no choice.

  • Style guidelines are here to help and I believe once you understand your style style guidelines this actually gives you wingsHighlight your style.
  • When you know what works for you, then you can learn how to “break” them in a way that still creates body harmony.
  • They offer suggestions to try, helping you make informed decisions about what you like and what works for you.
  • Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all rule; it all depends on individual factors such as body shape, proportions and personal preferences.When you understand your body shape guidelines, you make informed choices and "Charter" in a way that still works with your body and creates harmony with it

Here’s an example of an outfit where I broke the H shape – no shrinkage – style guideline, but made it work because the top was bulky and light, and draped it over my pants so it wouldn’t draw attention to my shortcomings. and then I added a jacket on top that shortened a wide horizontal line formed by the waistband of the trousers.

4. Choosing What Works for You

Studies show that our brains can’t handle too many choices, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. That’s why knowing what you’re really looking for and having your own guidelines is essential to making great choices when shopping.

  • Having style guidelines with numerous fashion options helps you narrow down the options.
  • Rather than randomly picking items, the guidelines help you choose pieces that fit your style and preferences.
  • Guidelines give structure to your decision-making process, making shopping and choosing clothes easier.

The truth is that no something like the perfect outfit, so it’s time to stop looking for it because it doesn’t exist. Instead, there are countless great outfits that will make you feel great when you wear them!

5. Power of Color

It’s really easy to create a versatile wardrobe where you need less clothes to create more outfits when you have a consistent color palette that all works together.

  • Colors play an important role in your overall appearance, and wearing matching colors can make a big difference.
  • Discovering the colors that suit you is a very important starting point in developing your style.
  • Experimenting with color combinations and contrasts will help you determine what truly complements your complexion and enhances your appearance.
  • Discover your own worth and color contrasts with my 3-step process here.

6. Finding Your Balance of Style

What does balance mean to you?

The reason why I don’t really believe in any “must have” or “must have in everyone’s wardrobe” lists is because I know you are a unique person with personal preferences, you may prefer cardigans. over jackets or over trousers over skirts and never wear dresses or maybe you like to wear dresses all the time. There is no one right way to build a wardrobe or create your own style.

  • What you love and your style should reflect your personality, lifestyle and needs.
  • What do you need in your wardrobe? How do you spend your time? What activities do you do regularly? Think about what a balanced wardrobe means to you.
  • Instead of just following the trends, consider the clothing styles that fit your body and personality perfectly.

7. Style Evolution and Adaptation

As fashion trends change, your style will change over time. There may be a line of transition in your style, but it’s unlikely you’ll be wearing the same thing decades later. When you change jobs, have children, retire, etc. Your tastes can change as well as your lifestyle because all of these affect your clothing and style choices.

  • Update your wardrobe as your style evolves, and let go of things that are no longer relevant to your current life and body.
  • Don’t get hung up on fixed rules; instead embrace the freedom to grow and experiment.
  • As you gain experience, you will discover what works best for you and develop your unique style.

8. Guidelines as a Tool, Not a Restriction

  • Style guidelines are recommendations based on the science behind style.
  • They offer wisdom and information to help you make informed choices.
  • Embrace the guidelines that resonate with you and don’t be afraid to break or adapt them to express your unique personality.

Begin your style journey with guidelines that resonate with you. They save you time, energy and money by providing a foundation for your exploration and decision making. Remember, style is personal and should reflect your originality. While style rules can have their place, the freedom to experiment and express your uniqueness is equally important. Discover your own style guided by recommendations that empower you. Embrace the journey and let your style evolve with you.

If you want to have a solid style foundation, a handrail that will help you take your style to the next level, then I would love to have you in my home. Style Program in 7 Steps this will give you the style training you never got in school. You will discover how to create harmony with your body and express your personality by using your best colors and dressing styles. This way you are both comfortable and confident in your style and have the courage to do whatever you want to do in your life.

I can’t wait to be your style guide!

further reading

5 Ways to Break the Rules of Style

How to Break Your Style Rules

Breaking the Petite Style Rules

How Knowing Your Style Rules Will Help You Dress More Creatively and Stylishly

Style Guidelines simplify your choices



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