Falling In Love With My Body: What Is Cryo? My Plus Size Cryotherapy


Most of us have been using CRIOTHERAPY since we were born. Our first ice pack was a cold towel in the shape of a rabbit that we kept in the freezer. Cold water immersion or ice baths have been used for centuries and can still be found in most places. hot springs Today. But more recently, Whole Body Cryotherapy (WBC)The chamber, which exposes the entire body to extreme cold up to -230° for a few minutes, is gaining in popularity day by day.

Celebrities from Demi Moore to Will Smith have spoken openly about whole-body cryotherapy and how athletes like LeBron James swear by post-game recovery. It’s not that we have to do everything celebrities do, but they often have access to treatments that help self-improvement before they’re accessible to everyone.

My Large Body Cryotherapy Experience in True North Cryo

I found True North Cryo, a local business specializing in cryotherapy. “Will the hardware from my previous surgeries freeze?”, “Will I fit in the room?”, “Can I wear a contact?” After asking a million questions like this, I finally felt comfortable doing whole body cryotherapy. A shot because I still have stiffness, nerve damage and pain in my left leg.

Pre-Cryotherapy Sauna Experience

They suggested that I use their infrared sauna for 30 minutes before entering the cryo room. This sauna uses infrared waves to activate and detoxify the sweat glands, eliminating toxins. And wow, did I sweat! I grew up hearing the saying “Girls don’t sweat, they shine”. My body must not have gotten that note because girl, I’m sweating!

But I actually like to sweat in the right area, of course. I honestly don’t want to be sweating all summerbut in the sauna, yes, I love it!

My Large Body Cryotherapy Experience in True North Cryo

Once my body was nice and flushed, I dried off and went to the room. Sitting outside a curtained room, I waited for the other person to finish, as most people only experience the room in their underwear. Suddenly I heard the music stop, and smoke began to rise from under the curtain, and a chill filled the air. Now I’m starting to get a little angry.

Enter the Cryotherapy Machine!

It was time for me to part the curtain and enter a future-like time machine or a ship that would transport me to another galaxy. I’m not claustrophobic, but was I really going to walk into a tiny freezing room?!

My Large Body Cryotherapy Experience in True North Cryo

I was given knee-high socks, booties, gloves and earplugs. Some extremities need to be covered to ensure nothing gets frozen. Living in Los Angeles for so long, I started going back to the snow days with all the winter outfits as a kid in Chicago, but I’ve never worn these with just my underwear before.

I was offered some distracting music for the room and I request it without hesitation. lizzo, because if there’s one thing that hasn’t changed in my life, it’s that Lizzo never stopped motivating me to try something I was afraid to do! Cryo specialist Natalie opens the door and more liquid nitrogen spills out, but this time I go straight to the source. She closes the door and she lowers the window. At least my head wasn’t completely submerged.

My Large Body Cryotherapy Experience in True North Cryo

Minus 170 degrees! I was almost naked at -170 degrees, breathing and trying to remind myself that I can do anything for 2 minutes. The cold air dances on my skin, not much of a chill, but I’m well aware of how cold it is, like it’s refreshing.

I Survived the Cryotherapy Process!

Before “Juice” ends, Natalie opens the door and likewise the smoke disappears and I survive. I’m warming up faster than I imagined and I actually feel a bit energized, but I’m not sure if it’s from the cryo or all my nerves. But even hours later, I feel the energy flowing through my arms and legs.

This experts say Exposure to such extreme cold temperatures activates your body’s fight-or-flight response. In turn, this directs blood flow to vital organs to protect them from frostbite from limbs (arms, legs), including anything that is inflamed or injured. When it returns to normal temperatures, re-oxygenated blood is pumped throughout the body. This should leave you feeling refreshed and revitalized.

My Large Body Cryotherapy Experience in True North Cryo

From my researchI learned that the possible benefits of WBC include:

  • improved sleep
  • Relief of chronic pain
  • Soothing chronic skin conditions
  • reduce anxiety
  • reduce inflammation
  • Increasing muscle recovery
  • elevated mood

Although many doctors and researchers swear by this new trend, FDA still not confirmed. And as with any body care, please consult a doctor to make sure the treatment is safe for you.

All in all, I really enjoyed my cryotherapy experience and felt refreshed afterwards.

I am happy to have confidence in my body again because it can go through so many adventures and this is just one more step in my journey to fall in love with my body. The body I have now is not what I have or hope to have, not the one I live in right now!


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