Your Image Affects Your Income — The Inside Out Style



What you wear is a powerful form of nonverbal communication, and research has shown that how you look, your personal presentation and attractiveness have the power to affect your income in positive or negative ways. Have you thought about what your image says and the effect it has on your career?

Babies Prefer Attractive Faces

Studies show that even tiny babies prefer to stare at attractive faces longer, enjoying beauty is an innate human trait. And global studies have found that without further work or an additional degree or further education, more attractive people (depending on the country) earn 10-25% more than unattractive ones. That’s why the image of beauty is worth billions.

Why is this? It is the principle of 2nd hand car.

Imagine buying a used car and comparing the two – same make, model and mileage, one is pristine, spotless and looks great, the other is dusty and dirty and has groceries and junk all over the old seats. Which would you pay more for?

You’re assuming that the car that is well maintained from the outside is also better maintained under the hood, so your assumption would be that the pristine car is worth more than the car filled with old chips packaging and smooth cores. All in the packaging.

All other things being equal, Fortune 500 CEOs said they would always hire the candidate without the personal presentation and the candidate with the better personal presentation.

Your Clothes Are Your Packaging and Your Personal Brand Image

Your clothes and image are a powerful form of nonverbal communication, and 93% of communication is nonverbal. Your image is an important part of this, and it’s human nature to assume that you have what it takes to do better if you pack well and inform about what you wear and how you protect yourself, your self-esteem and worth. job and therefore more valuable as an employee. Yet it doesn’t teach you what to wear, how to wear it, what works for you, or how to build a strong personal brand image using your style.

Improve Your Style, Boost Your Confidence

When you have more confidence, doors open and give you access to more opportunities.

More trust means you are more likely to talk and interact with people, and to form relationships and connections. It means not second-guessing every decision and not worrying about how others will judge you.

Confidence gives you more courage and charisma to stand out, be seen and have more influence.

Reveal Your Personal Brand by Upgrading Your Style

Free Master Class: Reveal Your Personal Brand by Upgrading Your Style

That’s why I’m so passionate about helping women elevate their style, get the style training they need to use this nonverbal form of communication to their advantage, because I’ve seen time and time again how effective and powerful this is, and it’s often overlooked as fluffy or frivolous and trivial.

You’re invited to my new free video master class to help you harness the power of your personal brand image – join me on March 27 (March 26 Northern Hemisphere) Reveal Your Personal Brand by Upgrading Your Style – register now.

Your Image Affects Your Income



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