Why You Should Find Your Style’s Starting Point To Stop Styleling


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Do you know why there are so many clothing and style mistakes in your wardrobe? This is often something we never really know why this happens, we can blame retailers and our own inclination to only buy clothes that are “OK” or “will work” (because we were tired of shopping or the sales assistant was helpful). and we don’t want to disappoint him) but there’s actually one main reason I’ve seen time and time again that you might not have thought of before. It is not knowing the starting point of your style.

Watch The Video To Find Out What Your Style Starts From

Every Journey Begins with a Point on the Map

If you don’t know where you are, you can’t plot your route. If you’re not aware of your starting point, how can you find the best way to get where you want to go?

Style is a journey, not a destination (read why it’s here). It’s a journey with many stops along the way, where you can stay for a while before moving on to the next stage of your style journey in life.

This is because you are not a static person, you continue to grow and change all your life. Your coloring changesYour body changes, your lifestyle changes, your needs change, and fashions change, so what you wore at 18 is unlikely to be what you wear today.

So the first thing you need to do to start improving your style in any way is to grab your bag and not go to the shops. Instead, it’s about pinpointing where you are right now – like determining where you are on a map before planning a trip anywhere. There’s no point in shopping without knowing exactly where your style is right now.

Research shows that we rarely wear or don’t wear 1/3 to 1/2 of the clothes we buy. That’s a pretty scary statistic, and I love that you don’t become a part of this statistic and instead become a much smarter shopper and an informed consumer so you know you’re not contributing to this waste.

Where Are You Right Now With Your Style?

The first thing I want you to think about is where are you right now in your life and style?

  1. What is your current lifestyle?
  2. What clothes do you need in your wardrobe?
  3. What is your current color?
  4. What is compatible with your body and its physical characteristics?
  5. What is your location and environment?
  6. Is there a certain dress code you must follow for your job?
  7. What are your style values ​​and drivers?
  8. What is your style personality?

There are countless things you could add to this list, but describing them is a great place to start (and my Style program in 7 steps). Because until you solve these questions and actually have some answers, you will continue to buy the wrong clothes, clothes that you don’t end up wearing or don’t feel particularly good about when you wear them.

Why You Should Find Your Style Starting Point To Stop Making Style Mistakes

You can also look at these questions to help you understand where you are right now with your style (and where you actually want to go, the best direction for you):

  1. What works about my style right now?
  2. What is currently not working in my style?
  3. What do I want my style to say about me?
  4. What kinds of clothes work for me emotionally? The ones that make me feel like the best version of me? Comfortable, confident, stylish in the way I describe it.

Create Your Own Personalized Style Guidelines

When you create your own personalized style guidelines, they serve as a cornerstone for every purchasing decision. You’ll have a much better understanding of what works and what doesn’t, what you want in your wardrobe and whether it’s good or bad to buy. It’s very difficult to decide if something really works when you don’t have the criteria at hand, and that’s why all these shopping mistakes have come home with you in the past and may be sitting in your wardrobe and teasing you. every morning while getting dressed

Sometimes we may have found some criteria, but it’s such a small set of criteria as we don’t have the style training to extend them, and so we end up with a very “samey” wardrobe that can start to feel suffocating. and boring (and then we buy something “Different” which is completely wrong and causes us to stick even more to our petty criteria because we don’t want to make the same mistake again).

Or if we have no criteria and we have a little bit of everything in our wardrobe and we never quite find out what makes us feel great, we have a wardrobe full of clothes and nothing to wear. We are not always satisfied with our style.

That’s why I created a system for you to follow your personal style criteria to set your unique style guidelines, because no one else can get to know you as yourself, and you only know when you feel completely comfortable and safe. .

Set Your Criteria and Plan Your Style Journey

As research shows, start defining and pinpointing your criteria to feel more confident every day. your style will increase your self-confidence, this increases self-confidence, which gives you the courage to do the things you truly want to do in life.

If you’d like to follow my proven system, I’d love for you to join. Style program in 7 steps So we can edit your style.

Why You Should Find Your Style Starting Point To Stop Making Style Mistakes

The Truth About How Aging Affects Your Style

Your Coloring and Aging Process

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