Why Do You Want to Find Your Black Alternative to Build Your Wardrobe?


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After working with thousands of amazing women over the last few decades (as they have told me over and over) I know they’re wearing black because they’ve come to believe that black is the weakest color (and they tell me it’s one of their go-to dresses), but also “goes with everything” and is always in stores. very easy to buy as there is so much black.

Black has been a comeback for many as they haven’t seen other options. They are unsure of what other colors will work for them and have come to believe the misinformation we are always given (black is always the weakest, the most sophisticated, etc.).

Discover Why You Want to Find Your Black Alternative to Build Your Wardrobe Around

Features of Black

If you’re worried about your weight and dressing to make your body look better, you probably thought that wearing black was touted as slimming because if light colors advance and darks recede, then black is the darkest – hence – this MUST HAVE. most attenuation. However, this doesn’t take density (one of the 3 properties of color) into the equation. Intensity also affects how we perceive colors, bright colors advance and colors that become muted or gray decrease – and what is black? It’s actually a very intense bright color (if it had turned gray otherwise, we’d actually call it… gray!).

So yes, black has a decreasing quality because it is dark, but it has a progressive quality because it is bright. There are many more debilitating colors than black and yours will depend on your own color!

Now you might say, “but I’ve seen that I always look slimmer in photos when I wear black”. This is often the case with photographs, as a camera lens does not have the sharpness of the human eye and cannot focus the contours of your body the way our eyes can. Our eyes are much more complex and can easily detect these subtle changes. Since most of us spend most of our lives seeing people in their skin rather than in photos, it’s definitely up to you what your best neutrals are, the ones that make you feel slimmer (if dressing is one of your goals) and make you feel better at the same time. your features.

Black is also a cool color and so it works much better with other cool colors, especially cool bright colors (since they have these two in common rather than just one), and so when creating a wardrobe you want to consider the following: the same bottom as your colors A great neutral in tone and intensity may not be a neutral and black!Discover why black isn't always proud

Note that in the above photos of Kate Winslet, her head appears almost detached from her body, dressed in black – there is no harmony between her and her clothes. Yes, black fades into the dark background in the photo, but since you can’t always stand out against a dark background (and most walls are painted in some version of white), then your body won’t fade into the background either. In the two pictures below, you see Kate as a whole in a beige jacket and gray jacket. Notice how you are drawn to her black boots in the second photo, because they are irrelevant to her color. When you’re in the light boots on the right, yes you notice them, but then your eye is pulled up again as it relates to both his coat and his hair, creating a visual loop.

what is black?

It reflects white light in the visible spectrum and is actually an entity of all colors. True black is the absence of color. Black is what happens when no light reaches your eye. Except, of course, that we hardly ever see pure black unless you’re lucky (or unlucky) enough to look into a black hole. If you’re interested in how researchers developed the true pure version of black, check this out. video.

Besides white, black is one of the first recorded colors used in art; It is the pigment created by the first humans to use coal, burnt bones, or various crushed minerals.

Finding Your Best Neutrals

Black can be one of the least flattering neutrals you can use next to your face if you don’t have a cool, deep, bright color. It can take you away from your natural color and highlight any dark and shadowy areas that make you look older and tired. If color is reflected light rays, black is the absence or interruption of light, reflecting shadows onto your face, making any lines or wrinkles appear deeper and darker.

Your weakest neutrals will have to do with your coloring. start with your hair or eyes, Whichever of the two is darker to find your best dark neutrals. And if your color is lighter then medium or medium dark is just as dark as you need to go for it to look very dark and pulled back for your skin and hair.

What is the best black alternative?

There are several options when looking for an alternative to black and they will come down to your own color and preferences.

If you have a warm color, almost anything is better for you than black!

Wearing a color very similar to your hair color, thinner would be a great neutral option. For more information on neutral selection, read How to Choose Your Best Neutrals

Almost any non-shiny mid-range color will give you a slimming effect without overwhelming your complexion – think navy blue, medium charcoal, chocolate, forest green, or deep burgundy tones.

Natural alternatives to black - gray is my new black

Now that my hair is gray, I go for medium to light grays as the best neutrals for building my wardrobe.

A color column Another way to look taller and slimmer without using black. A column of color is where you wear a single color from shoulder to hem, creating a long, continuous vertical line.

An intense print is also great because it can hide what’s going on underneath the clothing, so normal skin lumps and bumps are much less obvious than when wearing solid colors. Check out more tips here she is wearing slimming scars…

Finding Your Best Black Alternatives!

Colors can have a significant impact on how your clothes look on you. Black only works for a small part of the population – we’re the cold and bright ones, although more black is sold in stores than any other color.

In reality, your most flattering colors are the weakest. The right colors create a focus on your face and blend with you, so you don’t draw attention to the parts of your body you want to camouflage.

Personal color analysis It’s the best tool you can have because you’ll discover your best neutrals and weakest colors. Color analysis answers what color suits me what colors Does it match my skin color, eye color and hair color? What colors make me look alive, lively and exciting?

I provide online color analysis If you want to learn more about the best colors for you. Color analysis is mine too. 7 Steps to Style If you want a full color, style and personal image program, it’s a program you can apply online at your own pace.

further reading

Why Black May Not Be Your Best Friend – Destroying the Black Myth

How to Build a Wardrobe with the Right Neutral Foundations for You

Understanding Color Systems and Personal Color Analysis

How to Choose Your Best Neutrals

Why Do You Want to Find Your Black Alternative to Build Your Wardrobe Around?

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