What Would You Do If You Won $1.9 Billion?


lottery balls being thrown

So… if anyone is having trouble focusing today (why no!! no reason!!), let’s have a fun discussion: what would you do if you won the $1.9 billion Powerball? (Or, to be honest, ANY large sums of money?) Here are some questions to focus the discussion:

  • joyful give any money to your family or friends (and how much and when)?
  • what would you add to your life – vacation? private chef? personal assistant?
  • WHAT YOU GET would you quit your life, for example your job, or divert your time/energy elsewhere?
  • what would it be 3 BEST THINGS YOU HAVE CHANGE about your life, eg home, locale, something else?

A few more questions: How often do you buy lottery tickets (if any)? Do you have a strategy (like a betting pool)? In general, how much do you gamble if you’re in a place like Las Vegas?

for my $.02 – of course we would give money to family and friends, but I’m not sure how much. I heard somewhere that 20% of your earnings is a good guide.

(We’d also give to charities and causes, although I don’t have a quick idea how much or which ones – a lot will depend on the state of the world at the time.)

Assuming we could remain anonymous while collecting winnings, we probably wouldn’t tell anyone but parents and siblings how much we’ve earned. We’d probably wait a bit after news about earnings (if any) died down.

I guess the first thing to add on my list for a three-month summer vacation would be a whirlwind vacation, but maybe we’d take the kids out for longer trips (with private tutors).

maybe we’d buy a yacht to make the trip easier so we could bring the family and make easy travel plans for the gang… but we’ll see.

A private chef and personal assistant would be great too! Ok and a daily fitness trainer would be great too. (“What I really need is for someone to follow me and slap the food in my hand” and yes, that is it.)

What would I buy? In terms of jobs, I think I’d keep the sites up and running (hopefully delegating more than I do now, huh), and I’d probably expand the idea in terms of offerings – maybe a series of Corporette outfits or schmancy retreats or conferences.

(This would be more about hiring the right people to basically do everything – I always imagine the Kardashians basically waltzing around the room, people looking at the products they’ve designed for them – maybe based on a group brainstorming session – and then they come out and go out. do the heavy lifting. That would be nice!)

I feel like I spend a lot of time organizing my house, so I’d like to take that energy investment away – I’d probably add a house manager (who knows and organizes everything) to the list.

(We actually talked a bit about this on CorporetteMoms, based on an entrepreneur explaining $27 an hour. house manager and how he hired him.)

My top three changes would be our home (definitely upgrading) and possibly the locale, although we see it in terms of kids and schools. (We’ve already set up our property items; that would also be the best action item if we didn’t.)

I’m not sure what my third change will be – maybe buying an apartment or house somewhere else with regular plans to spend time there. It’s probably silly to think I could set up a PAC or think tank to influence policy, but still – you can hire people who know what they’re doing!

In terms of gambling, I’m not a big gambler – I do get lottery tickets from time to time but in places like Vegas I’m pretty boring because I give myself $100 to lose. So, I’m done in five minutes! I also can’t stand cigarette smoke, so spending time on the casino floor isn’t very appealing.

(I haven’t been to Vegas in years, but was surprised how much I enjoyed it nonetheless – good shopping and restaurants, plus nice pools.)

What about you guys – what are your thoughts? If you won the lottery, what would you add, subtract, or change from your life?

Stock photo via stencil.


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