What Should You Do When You’re In A Style Routine Due To Body Shape And Size?



Reader Question: “II’m turning 40 this year but I still feel 30 years old. I have an 18-month-old baby and I feel like my style is big mommy since I’ve reduced breastfeeding to one a day. and I’ve always been a naturally thin person so whenever I try to put on my clothes I almost look like I’m pregnant again, I feel bad when I look in the mirror and I’m sick of wearing jeans all the time. t-shirts My biggest challenge is finding clothes in stores that fit my age and size. The clothes are either too tight or loose, which makes me look bigger than I am. I have a classic hourglass shape with hips and butt and now I have a small dog in front of me, so while the clothes that I thought I liked on the model or on the model might not quite fit my body, I feel like it makes me super fussy. to clothes because I never feel comfortable”

It’s not unusual to have a baby and find body changes appropriate for this stage of life, whether it’s menopause and body shape changes. clothes shopping is an experience that will make you scream – and there are good reasons for that. But it doesn’t necessarily have to be like that and ways around it.

Accept Your Body Shape Changes

From pregnancy and stretching of your previously tight skin to the natural general sagging and weight redistribution of menopause, it’s not unusual for your body shape to change a bit with age.

Experiencing this may mean that your old clothes don’t look as good as they used to, and you may need to get used to the less slimmer model and give yourself some slack (as we tend to imagine our stomachs are much larger). more than they actually are) or start adapting what you’re wearing.

If you’re reading this, I assume you want to look and feel your best, regardless of your age or shape. But as you get older, it can be harder to find clothes that not only fit your body, but reflect your personal style as well. Although the majority of the population is older (and more knowledgeable) and no longer wants to wear dresses with cutouts at the waist, you begin to discover that most of what is available is aimed at the super-toned and youthful body.

When it comes to dressing for your shape, the key is to highlight your best features and downplay the areas where you’re not comfortable. For example, if you have an hourglass figure with curves in all the right places, look for garments that go in at the waist and widen over your hips. This will accentuate your curves and create a feminine silhouette. But with your new rounder tummy, you may not want it to fit as tightly as you used to, or you may want to look for features like strategic laces that hide your new tummy.

On the other hand, if you’re more apple-shaped with a little tummy, try looking for tops and blouses that jump off your waist, or bluffing your tops over the waistband of your pants or skirt. This will focus less on your midsection and cover areas you’re not very happy with.

Non-Slip and Non-Adhesive Fabrics

Fabrics are key to creating a look you love and feel confident. Fabrics that cling and flaunt with each roll will make you feel more self-conscious, while a peel-off fabric will make you look and feel better. Therefore, some of your old tight jersey garments may not work as well now as they did in the past. Instead, start by finding fabrics and styles that still fit your body, but don’t highlight the areas you want to camouflage.

What Should You Do When You're On A Style Routine Due To Body Shape And Size Changes?Texture and Gloss Are Also Important

The more heavily textured a garment is, the more volume it adds to your frame. Look for smoother fabrics rather than really thick knits (tips of the day – if you describe a garment’s fabric as thick, it will make you look thicker).

Glitter attracts attention, so it’s great to use in jewelry as it will draw attention, sparkly earrings or metallic necklaces are a great way to draw attention to your face. However, shiny fabrics in clothing will attract attention, so don’t wear a shiny item on an area of ​​your body that you don’t want to be the focal point.

Prints and Patterns Can Be Your New Best Friend

Many women have the illusion that you can’t wear patterns or that patterns aren’t flattering, but they can still be your new best friend.

Intense, heavy prints can be more flattering than solid colors or neutral colors, this is because the eye can’t stay on them, so they keep moving and you don’t notice what’s underneath. There are more tips on find such prints and patterns here.

intense and intense pressure distracts the eyeWhere to Shop?

Maybe the shops you used to shop at in your 20s and 30s are no longer for you. This is not unusual. Most of us tend to shop at the same stores and look at the same brands over and over only when there is more choice, but we never really get a good look at them.

It may be time to expand your shopping and enter every store in the mall you would never normally go to, because instead of where you used to be, you can find new places that sell clothes for you, where you are today.

Don’t be afraid to go online, there is a world of clothing options online, it’s always helpful to read reviews before buying, and I always go to Trustpilot.com and check it out for an online store I’ve never experienced. when I look at a store I’ve never shopped at to make sure it’s legalhere are more tips worth knowing too). from this list Written with Love has a blog post following stores you shouldn’t trust – so it’s another great place to check before you buy.

If it seems too good to be true, it probably is. One of the biggest warnings for a dodgy online clothing store is the price. My rule of thumb is that if it’s really cheap, someone is being exploited (and sometimes both people who make very cheap clothes and you, because they don’t stick to their size and look nothing like the photo).

I have more tips Here’s how to have a better online shopping experience.

check my Here is the ultimate guide to online shopping.

Always Experiment With Your Clothes

Finally, don’t be afraid to experiment with your style and try new things. Just because you’re getting older doesn’t mean you have to stick to the same old boring wardrobe as your jeans/t-shirt combo. Instead, reassess your situation. style recipe The key is to always stay true to yourself and wear what makes you feel safe and comfortable, so understanding what you want to express with your style right now.

Trying out different clothes and accessories to play with your wardrobe and create new outfits is essential, rather than just getting dressed from the laundry basket.

If you find all body shape change as well as change and phase of life difficult, then consider getting yourself a new set of style guidelines that work for who you are now – style and color education and an understanding of how your personality influences each style choice, very much the process. It will make it easier and that’s why I created it. Style Program in 7 Steps – to help you get through this more easily Enhance Your Style program Designed with brain-based science to get you out of your style routine.

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What Should You Do When You're On A Style Routine Due To Body Shape And Size Changes?



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