What Does a Strongman Contest Have in Common with Improving Your Personal Development?



People talk about having superhuman strength to do things like lift a car over someone to save them in times of crisis. Some people do this for fun though, so I recently discovered it.

My son and his girlfriend recently competed in a Strongman competition for the first time. I have never competed before or have had any experience with this sport. During this competition, they competed in four different events.

  • The first was to pull a car uphill.
  • The second was holding a cart to keep it from rolling down a hill.
  • The third was to lift a car as many times as possible in one minute.
  • The last one was to clean and press as much as possible (tires and overhead bar with overhead weights) in one minute.

The competition was held outside a small gym in the parking lot (as cars included) and the competitors mingled with the audience as they waited their turn to compete.

Now you may be wondering what a strongman contest has in common with improving your style, but what struck me was that one aspect of the Strongman contest was one of the reasons I saw most of my 7 Steps to Style and Improve Your Style program. members develop their style.

Watch To Hear My Thoughts On What A Strongman Contest Has To Do With Developing Your Style

Incentive Power

Encouragement helps people go the distance and achieve success they didn’t think they could do.

That’s what I witnessed watching the Strongman competition, and that’s what I see every day when I see how the community aspects of my online style programs really help people not give up and keep trying.

It is very easy without any incentive to give up. Yet during that Strongman competition, I saw people who thought that because of the faith and courage they received from the community surrounding a Strongman competition, they would give up, stop and try again.

It’s the same experience I’ve seen, and one of the greatest values ​​of running an online style program is that you get a community of people who are on the same journey as you, supporting you, giving you tips (just like my son did). Given tips on how best to approach each event to help them succeed) our online style communities also really want the best for you and will give you helpful feedback, tips and ideas on how to improve your outfits.

Community May Be The Key To Faster Success

Of course, you can do it all by yourself at home. But it’s up to you to figure everything out on your own.

When you have a community of people, some of whom are more experienced and further down the road, they will have lots of great suggestions to help you out, things you might not have thought of, sometimes big changes, sometimes small fixes. It can help you improve your style with giant steps instead of baby steps.

It is very difficult to see ourselves objectively in the mirror the way others see us. Also, the benefit of having the people there support you and give you positive support that you are on the right track can help you keep trying every day instead of falling back into old habits and your old-fashioned routine.

Most of my program members will tell me community was very important While helping them improve their style, they enjoy it so much that they can both get tips and feedback and share their own tips and ideas with others, which helps develop their own style.

As people who study how adults learn, when you can teach something you’re actually placing your own knowledge, and it really means you’ve grasped a concept. So even if you don’t see yourself as a teacher in this kind of environment, this sharing of ideas actually helps you become more style savvy and therefore accelerates your own style education.

Are You Too Close to Your Own Problems?

Most of us have so many body image issues and thoughts that we have internalized messages since childhood and many “things” that can get in the way and prevent us from getting where we want to be. So having a community of women who understand but have greater insight and objectivity than we do can help us see ourselves in a new light that opens new doors to alternative options we may not have considered before.

Photographing Your Clothes Is More Than A Record

This The value of photographing clothes cannot be underestimated.. Many times women say they feel they have a long way to go in their style, but I see huge changes from where they started. I recommend taking photos so you can look back and see how far you’ve come on your style journey. You may not have made a wholesale change overnight (it’s unlikely that your wardrobe will completely renew itself overnight – there isn’t a godmother who does), but over time all the small changes you make will make a big difference in your style.

Just as a pilot deviates an airplane’s route by 1 degree from its intended destination, within a few minutes the airplane deviates from its course and heads for an entirely different destination. We don’t notice the gradual changes, they don’t sound as exciting or impactful as a “make-up show” style change, but they make a big difference in your style.

As Ellen said a month after joining 7 Steps to Style:

“I took pictures on the first day. Sometimes I like to come back to it because when I see that eerie simplicity person I know it’s me, but I’m starting to feel like a different person already.”

And recently, one of my awesome members, Heather, sent me an email with these photos.

7 steps to style before and after Heather - online styling program

Before and After Joining Styling, an online style program in 7 Steps

and in his email he said:

“I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU your programs. I came across this old photo before 7 Steps to Style. The difference between what I wear on an ordinary Friday morning is striking.

I feel so much better about my current appearance and it looks so much more like me.

It has been a very enjoyable journey and my wardrobe is shaping up nicely!”

Would You Want a Style Ensemble to Cheer on You?

If you see it, it may be of value to have. style collection they generously share their knowledge and experience and support you, then I would love to invite you to my wonderful, supportive and non-judgmental event. I just recorded a new video-on-demand master class How to Confidently Choose Clothes that Make You Proud If you want to know more about my style programs and tips to help you improve your style, you can find out more and watch here (totally free) now.

Masterclass | How to Confidently Choose Outfits You’re Proud of

Michelle’s 7 Steps to Style

What Does a Strongman Contest Have in Common with Developing Your Style?



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