Want Your Style to Help You Blend or Stand Out? – Inside out


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How much do you want your style to blend in or stand out? Do you want to be the center of attention or just disappear into the background?

Jill Chivers 16 Style Types and I discuss that in the video.

Watch Video About Matching Your Style or Standing Out

It’s a continuum rather than an either/or question for most of us. And your personality will also influence your choices.

Introvert or Extrovert?

As an extrovert, Jill Chivers tends to be happy to stand out, she wants to be involved, to be part of the action. Get noticed but not necessarily the star of the show. She likes to be part of a collective she, but she is seen as part of that collective rather than being overlooked. She draws energy from conversation and wants to be seen and noticed enough when she comes out, to be able to easily initiate and have these conversations.

Want to stand out or match your style?  Jill Chivers style stands out boldly

Here Jill uses red to stand out and be seen

Jill realized that when she talked to introverts, they would want something quite different. The introvert wants to be very selective about who he chats with (not just everyone else on the street) to conserve his energies and not “waste” unnecessarily, so he may prefer a style that blends them in or doesn’t. t invite the conversation in the same way.

In my own experience, as an introvert, I don’t want to start a conversation when I’m out and about, especially in an external environment that is already full of stimuli (like shopping). I don’t need to run out of energy, so I can avoid standing out in my outfit so I’m less noticeable and people pay less attention to me.

When I want to stand out and then make a conscious decision to stand out with my style (and make a conscious decision that this is the right environment for me), I do something to manage myself. in order to have the energy I need to “externalize” the energy in that environment.

Some Clothes Speak For Itself While Others Stay Quiet

To stand out or to match your style - here I use a brooch to prevent the outfit from getting tangled and completely lost - a little touch stands out instead of the whole outfit

I’m using a brooch here to keep the outfit from getting tangled and completely lost – a little touch that stands out rather than the whole outfit.

Colors can be used to help you stand out or fade away (We talked about this here). Warmer tones, brighter colors visually advance and attract attention (this is why taillights and markings are red because red easily draws attention). So if you want to be seen or noticed, adding some red, orange, pink or yellow to an outfit will help you achieve that more easily. I often use color as part of my energy management strategy. Either disappearing when I need time to be alone and want to blend in, or spending precious energy on being seen without saying too much and just being noticed.

Not all featured outfits need to be overtly loud and dominant. You can choose a small item (like my pink rose brooch above) or Jill’s leopard hero jacket below to make it stand out.

Stand out or fit your style?  Jill Chivers stands in silence instead of being completely involved

Here’s a much quieter outfit from Jill, not muted, the leopard jacket is still a hero but the neutral dark brown background outfit stands out much lesswe

When we did our Style Types research, one of our ENFP style muses told us how her personality was already very bold, not knowingly wearing red or dark colors because she realized that she could easily outdo others and stand out. rather, she became negative as her personality made her stand out.

Do you use your clothes as a tool?

You can use your outfit as a tool every day, deciding whether you want to stand out or be noticed or fit in and take a backseat. It’s important to remember that extroverts don’t always want to stand out, and introverts don’t always want to mingle (as is often assumed and are the stereotypes you hear and see about extroversion and introversion).

To stand out with your style or to fit in?  The dramatic ruffles on this shirt make it a standout (and conversation-starting) hero

The dramatic ruffles on this shirt make it a standout (and conversation-starting) hero

You have the power to decide and decide what to wear, what colors and styles will make you stand out (a hero suit like my shirt above, a bolder or brighter color) or fit (more neutral, darker colors, lower). -key and simple styles). If you need to stand out and be seen, step into the light and claim your space, it’s great to find out how you can use your style to help you do so. What are ways to use your style to help you get noticed, stand out and be remembered? It is important to consider whether you are building a career or your own business and improve your personal brand image.

We’ve discovered that there are definitely some personality types that prefer one over the other (beyond introversion and extroversion), and that’s something you can explore in depth in our article. Your Style Type is your program If you are really interested in understanding how your psychological/personality type relates to your style and how you express your style so that it feels authentic to you.

Want Your Style to Help You Blend or Stand Out?

Finding Your Authentic Style DNA

Discover Your Personality Style DNA

Tips for Finding and Identifying Your Authentic Style DNA

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