Want to Reduce Plastic? It’s Actually Pretty Easy With These


Image: MirageC for Getty

We all know reducing plastic is something we must all work together to do, but plastic is literally, everywhere. Even starting the mitigation process can be intimidating, but Stacey Feeley, the company’s co-founder goSili, into easy, manageable ways.

Read on to learn how to try and cut plastic in your daily life.

Say No to Plastic Bags – Bring Your Own Instead

“Plastic bags are not recyclable and never completely decompose. After that 1000 years, they turn into microplastics and continue to harm our environment, but solving this problem is easy and it starts with you. It is enough to always have a carrying case with you. Put it in your purse, backpack, or leave it by the door so you don’t forget to pick it up before you go. Always bring your bag when shopping for groceries or buying groceries at a restaurant. This little habit makes a big impact!”

No More Disposable Straws

“Plastic straws have a similar story to plastic bags. not recyclable and will not be accepted by a curbside pickup. They are used for 5 minutes but continue to pollute our planet for years to come. Let’s quit this useless habit! Get a set of reusable straws to carry with you, take them to restaurants, parties and wherever you go. To make this habit very easy for you, straw keychain with travel case. So your eco-friendly straw is always with you.”

Ditch Plastic Water Bottles for Good

“Carrying your own reusable plastic bottle is better for you, your wallet and the environment; switch! Make it a habit to bring your water bottle everywhere.”

Make Your Morning Cup of Joe Sustainable

“There are several ways to keep your coffee sustainable and plastic-free. For starters, make more coffee at home rather than buying it at a cafe. Be sure to buy organic, fair-trade coffee in bulk to skip the plastic packaging. For those busy days when you shop at a cafe—bring your own mug! This saves our oceans As handy as small plastic bags are for carrying snacks or sandwiches, they cause a lot of harm. Make the key! With a reusable silicone snack bag, you get exactly the same use for less money and less mess.

De-plasticize Your Snacks

“While small plastic bags are handy for carrying snacks or sandwiches, they do cause a lot of harm. Make the key. With a reusable silicone snack bag, you get exactly the same use for less money and less mess. reusable snack bag for the perfect plastic-free alternative.”

Remove Your Food Plastic Containers

“You can make this a slow transition; stop buying plastic and slowly move on to glass, silicone, stainless steel, or whatever you prefer.”

Image: Longhua Liao for Getty

Discard Your Stretch Wrap

“There are many options out there to help you get rid of plastic cling film. It’s hard to use anyway, so switching is a no-brainer. Try these for an easy and affordable alternative reusable wraps.”

Hit Your Local Farmers Market

“Support the local economy by shopping at the farmer’s market instead of the big chain supermarkets where all food is packaged in plastic wraps! It’s usually more affordable and the food is fresher too. Give a chance! Trying to find a local farmer’s market? check out this tool to find the closest one.”

Image: Steven Puetzer for Getty

Great Food from Scratch

“Ready meals often come in plastic containers or wraps. By cooking more from scratch, you not only get more nutritious and delicious food, but you’re also skipping plastic.”

Find Refillable Options for Cleaning Supplies or DIY!

“Without all of the plastic packaging, cleaning supplies can be difficult to find. Fortunately, many companies are taking action to change that! If you haven’t already, replace your laundry detergent with: eco-stripes. You can also find refillable options for many cleaning supplies. Here. If you’re feeling creative, here’s how to do it Do it yourself.”

Get a Water Filter for Your Home

“There is no need to have plastic bottles of water at home. Having a filter is much better for the environment and your wallet. check them out great filters.”

Skip the Plastic-wrapped Snacks

“Yes, potato chips and sticks are very useful, but wrapping paper has been around for hundreds of years. Try making your own snacks instead, or look for plastic-free snacks like fruit or nuts in bulk.

Switch to a Plastic-Free Deodorant

“There are now many brands that give you plastic-free natural deodorants. Native’s Plastic-Free Deodorant.

Image: Westend61 for Getty

Clean Your Shower of Plastic

“As with cleaning products, shampoo, conditioner, and shower gel are predominantly water. The good thing is that you can buy the concentrate bar! our favorite viori

No More Disposable Razors

“Say goodbye to your disposable plastic razors! Stainless steel blades are long lasting, give you a better shave and are better for the environment.”


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