Useful Personal Safety Tips for Women You Should Know


I like to think I’m at the top of my game when it comes to protecting myself, but a recent incident made me see how easy it is for women to fall victim to theft, assault, abuse or worse. After talking about this last weekAWSL readers came to the rescue with a list of helpful personal safety tips for women. I hope his wise words about situation awareness, along with some additional tips and safety tools I found while researching, will help you stay alert, prepared and equipped so you can be smart and safe both at home and in the community. place.

Several readers also suggested this The Gift of Fear bookand I’m so glad you did. Eye-opening in many ways. I think every woman should read it.

Tips for Protecting Yourself at Home

I know most of us can be aware of our surroundings walking alone in a busy city center at night, but what about when we’re at home? I know I tend to relax and let my guard down when we’re in our homes, but researching this post reminded me of how many home burglaries occur in the United States each year (hint: millions!). To be more specific, a house burglary happens every 30 seconds in the United States. It’s a complete wake-up call, but fortunately, there are ways to enjoy your home and feel safe and secure while staying awake and aware.

#1 Strengthen Window and Door Locks

Have you ever heard that a lock only keeps an honest man out? It’s not wise to lock your windows and doors, but it’s wise to protect your home from intruders by reinforcing window and door locks. Did you know that sliding doors and windows, as well as French doors, are an easy entryway for thieves? Adding an additional security measure like these sliding door and window locks It is an affordable solution.

#2 Install a Security System

Fortunately, even if installing an expensive security system by a large company is not within your budget, you can find affordable and reliable security monitoring systems online. From cameras aimed at your entrances, like these outdoor cameras from Blink, to systems that alert you when your doors or windows are opened, it’s easy to add a new pair of eyes and ears to your home.

#3 Don’t Share Too Much on Social Media

Nothing turns your home into a sitting duck like announcing to the masses that you’re out of town. Instead, I like to share photos of a recent vacation I took after I got home. I am also very aware of posting pictures of the exterior of my house or images containing any personal information such as my address online. My daughter suggested that I share a photo after that I left a location, so this is what I do now.

#4 Be Aware When Entering, Leaving, and Opening Doors

I try to be very aware of my surroundings when opening an exterior door to my home because you never know when someone is lurking around waiting for an opportunity to break into you or your home. I always look through the peephole before opening the door and even use our ring system speaker Talking to someone if I don’t want to open the door. When I come home from a job or a day off, I unlock my car, enter the garage and close the overhead door before entering the house. Make sure you lock your car (especially if your car has a garage door opener!) and bring your car keys inside.

#5 Close Your Curtains and Blinds or Add Window Film

You might think “Peeping Toms” are a thing of the past, but they certainly still exist. Be sure to close your curtains or blinds when you turn on the lights at night. If you have a large glass exterior door that you cannot add blinds or curtains to, add a privacy film like this to help prevent this heinous invasion of your privacy.

#6 Hide Evidence of Expensive Purchases

We’ve all seen thieves on the news snatching packages straight from someone’s porch during the holidays. Did you know that you can specify which door of your home you want your packages to be delivered to (such as the back porch or the side entrance)? You can even buy special box to place your packages so they don’t sit on your front porch or bend over to catch the gaze of a dishonest person. I also recommend not showing empty boxes from expensive purchases. An empty television box standing on the sidewalk for recycling day is like an advertisement for a thief.

Buy Safety Devices to Help You Stay Safe at Home:

Personal Safety Tips and Tools for Women in Public

As I shared last week, I recently suffered a car theft, our window was broken and one of my favorite tote bags was stolen from the floor of the car. I was lucky to have my credit cards and cell phone with me, but most people are not so lucky.

Even worse than car break-ins are daily reports of women being harassed, assaulted, kidnapped, or worse, while engaging in mundane activities like exercising, running errands, or returning to their car from dinner. I hate that as women we go to such lengths to get home unharmed, but I hope today’s tips and safety tools will help you stay safe and aware as you go out in public.

#1 Be Aware

Your eyes and ears are your biggest tools to help you stay safe in a public setting. Make sure your eyes are around you and not looking at your phone. I love using my Airpods to listen to an audiobook or podcast, but I’m conscious enough to only wear a headset when walking outside. Limit distractions and achieve a higher level of awareness. If you want to have an adult drink at dinner or visit a brewery or bar occasionally, please always be aware of your drink or use a drink cover Like this If you are in a crowded place.

This includes being aware when leaving your destination! AWSL reader Cindy suggested that you look in your back seat before getting in your car to make sure someone isn’t sitting there waiting for you to turn around, and Yvonne talked about parking next to a lamppost so you don’t have to approach her car in the dark. .

#2 Be Prepared

Make sure your phone is fully charged. Keep yourself informed about current events and anticipate risks such as a major political rally, a closed road or a flat tire.

Kim, an AWSL life reader, says she makes sure her car keeps the gas tank at least half full. This is a great idea, and it prevents you from stopping at a shady gas station after dark or getting stranded by the roadside with an empty tank. A great tip Lin adds is to lock your passenger car door while you’re getting gas because it’s very easy for someone to open the door and take your wallet or purse.

Several readers suggested that if you’re going to get out of your car without your bag, you should put the bag in your trunk before you go to your destination so that nearby thieves can’t see where you put your stuff. If you’re going to leave your bag in the car and not in the trunk, don’t do as I did and leave it on the floorboard. Slide it under a seat or cover it with a jacket. This also applies to your purchases! I can’t tell you how many I’ve heard of people breaking into their cars because their shopping bags are out of sight while shopping.

#3 Let Your Friends and Loved Ones Know Where You’re Going

Whether you’re allowing a loved one to access your location, or checking in when you arrive at and leave your destination, keep in touch with someone who will contact the authorities if they don’t hear from you within a specified time. I would take it one step further and invite a friend or loved one to come with you! We’ve all heard of the dating system and probably taught it to our children as they were growing up, but it’s a valuable safety tip that can help keep you safe, too.

#3 Equip Yourself

They have security devices that a female can carry secretly with them in the event of an attack. i like to carry personal alarm on my keychain. This tool has a loud siren and a flashing strobe light to attract people’s attention and scare off the malicious person. AWSL reader Linlee says carries a strong whistle around your neck. i like to carry a small can of pepper spray It will be a smart addition to your bag when walking the trails near my house, but going anywhere alone like a hotel, or returning to your car from dinner. dumb guns If you feel comfortable using this type of vehicle, it is legal in most states in the United States.

If you’re spending the night in a hotel or Airbnb, give yourself a little more comfort with a tool to keep your door securely locked. like this portable door lock or This door stops the alarm.

If you’re worried about your valuables being stolen, you can always place an Air Tag or tracking device in a hidden location. However, I believe I will pass the tracking information to the authorities rather than chasing my stolen items myself!

#4 Leave Flashy and Expensive Items At Home

Be tactful about what jewelry and accessories you choose when you’re alone or out at night. You don’t want to wear or carry any accessories that would make a thief take care of you. Likewise, as a tourist in a busy city, be sure to wear an expensive camera around your neck or carry a tablet or laptop where the public can see it.

#5 Take Self Defense Lessons

If you are physically fit enough, I highly recommend enrolling in a self-defense class. Being able to protect and defend yourself from an attacker is absolutely invaluable.

Buy Safety Devices to Help You Stay Safe in Public:

Is there anything else you can recommend that I haven’t mentioned here?


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