Upgrading My World in 2022 — Reverse Style


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For the past 10 years, I’ve been using the “word of the year” focus instead of New Year’s resolutions as I’ve found a better way to help me stay on track and continue moving towards my life and work goals. As we approached the end of 2021, I knew it was time to find my new focus word for 2022. Here is a list of words that can inspire you to find a focus word for 2022!

New Year, the word focusing on the ideas of the year

In 2012, I decided to try the focus word of the year—and because I had done so much creation and growth over the previous few years (I broke up and divorced from my ex-husband), I needed some time to get all my ducks back together and start planning for more for my future.

In 2013, as my work/life balance was completely out of control, I was determined to bring more BALANCE into my life. I was constantly working and had very little personal life, luckily I met my husband-to-be Adam in 2012, so it was important to me to work on that balance.

Then after I had that stable year, I decided I was ready for some things. EXPANSION IN 2014 – and that was the year I created Evolve Your Style and the year my 7 Steps to Style program was truly successful. This has expanded my world so much! I’ve met so many amazing women from around the world through these programs, and their style journeys have helped me become a much better image consultant.

In 2015 – my word of the year was NURTURE – because I just got married and wanted to make sure I nurtured my personal and business relationships.

Then in 2016 – I decided it was AUTHORIZATION time, is something I’ve always messed with, but finding the awesome Kate, who has been my tech assistant since 2016, I learned a lot about how to do it and it completely changed my life. In fact, I don’t think the blog would still be here without Kate and learning how to delegate. Everything technical started falling apart that year, and if it were me, I would have given up because everything was beyond my skills and correcting was not within my genius. Luckily for me, it was hers and now there are more wonderful and talented people on my team to help both Kate and myself keep this baby afloat! I gladly hand over anything that is no longer in my wheelhouse.

word for 2017 – it was GRATITUDE To remind me of what’s good in my life and to appreciate all the little things. I’ve always been bad at stopping to appreciate the good and what I’ve accomplished (and when I look at my journey, I’ve accomplished a lot), and I try to keep that gratitude up to date.

When I read Brene Brown’s book Brave in the Wild He really talked to me just before the start of 2018 and I bravery My word for that year. It was a reminder to be whole with myself and be more of me (if you’re like me this can be overwhelming and you may often want to hide and never show your weaknesses – something I still struggle with).

I decided this in 2019 HEALER As continuous improvement and personal growth are both high core needs and values ​​for me, it would be my focus word to help me keep making things better.

Then in 2020 I decided to step out of my comfort zone and be more public. BRIGHTNESS. Although it scares me, I decided to make regular Facebook Live videos as 2020 was a great decision and given the first year of my life with Covid and quarantine, and it allowed me not to resort to dressing in pajamas every day, and I am grateful to the wonderful readers that my short live videos are also available to them in these dark and uncertain times. got so many emails saying it was really helpful, they couldn’t wait to watch it.

When 2021 returns, I decided I wanted to feel more. ALIGNED, to ensure that the time and effort I put into my work and my life aligns with who I am and what I truly want to do. To be more purposeful and real. To make sure every decision I make is aligned with my goals and vision. It’s been a year where I started to take more steps and steps into a more harmonious and authentic version of myself.

So, while thinking about what I want to focus on for 2022 and what becomes more important, I decided that the work I’ve been doing for the past 6 months or helping others really shine in their unique ways made me decide. I want to continue to evolve and at the same time be a catalyst, opening doors, showing the way and shining the light and being the owner of the light for others – like a beacon that is long, steady and still but illuminating the way. I have decided that my promise for 2022 is UPGRADE.

As each of us expresses our natural genius, we elevate our world.  - Robin S SharmaI want …

Upgrade my customers – their lives in their wardrobes as they express the best and most authentic version of themselves

raise my health – yes, those Covid pounds have to go and I also restarted my exercise regimen to keep my brain oxygenated and my heart beating.

upgrade my team – providing them with the security they desire, but also the challenges they need to feel valued and energized in their work

improve my relationships – because relationships take work, and it’s all too easy to let friendships slip through to not appreciate your loved ones enough.

raise my job – to improve what I have and make it even better, both programs for clients and training programs for image and color consultants, tools I create, and also to become more visible rather than hidden (which is my natural inclination)

Raising my standards – admitting that I am good enough already and “who am I to think I can do it…. (fill in the blank) holding me back

Every year the word of the year scares me, but I know it’s helped me grow and pull me out of my comfort zone (and expand that comfort zone in the process). As I know that growing is a part of living and it is like a butterfly that has to come out of the chrysalis to spread its wings and fly. Staying in that comfort zone will not do you any favors and you may be uncomfortable in your comfort zone too, so why not step out of that comfort zone because you will be uncomfortable anyway and you can achieve more if you do. would you take this step outside of it?

Have you chosen a focus word for 2022? I would love to know what it is and what it means to you, please share it in the comments!

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