Top Flipped Posts of 2021


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2021 was a busy year, even though I spent (again) a considerable amount of time in quarantine, but that didn’t stop me from aiming to dress stylish most days of the week, knowing that there is a correlation between mental health and self. grooming and wearing is part of your daily personal care routine.

I thought I would review all the articles I wrote last year and share my favorite articles with you in case you missed it.

How Do I Build a Sticky Wardrobe and Avoid Buying an Orphan? – this is a topic I get emailed about often so I thought I’d share some tips and strategies with you, as if you could build that harmonious wardrobe that will make dressing every day so much easier and faster!

Your Ultimate Guide to Planning a Color Scheme for a Wardrobe Capsule – many women are confused where to start when choosing outfits that mix and match and come together to create that matching wardrobe that makes them look great at the same time. That’s why I’m excited to share my color tips that will always make you look great and help you choose colors that go easily together in your wardrobe. Discover which neutrals to choose and then how to choose the best colors for you… How to Choose Your Best Neutrals now!

As colors change with age, this post how to switch from dark colors to lighter colors (something many of us should do) was something I was asked over and over. Whether you’ve dyed your hair blonde or are naturally brightening your wardrobe (or you’ve found that dark colors are bringing you down), then this post is for you.

Another hot topic last year was getting all greyed out, and I’m not the only one having this. embraced my gray hair a lot of lockdowns and now access to hairdressers. After 5 months of not dyeing my hair, I thought I was doing the hard work growing out my roots, so I can see how gray looks on me, and although gray is a softer color, you won’t see it. make sure you it disappears when you wear softer colors with it.

Now 2021 has been another year of casual wear – nowhere to go so nothing to wear… that’s why I wrote this post 5 Tips to Look Stylish in Daily Attire.

Now some people want Mixing and others likes to Stand out – Which one are you? There is no single right answer – only one that works for you. This prompted me to share 5 Easy Ways To Be More Adventurous With Your Style, When asked how to do this often.

Shopping for clothes can be tiring for many and many of you are telling me you get overwhelmed while shopping, so I wanted to share. 7 Essential Tips to Narrow Your Options When Shopping for Clothes so you don’t make the wrong buying decisions and end up with a cluttered wardrobe full of clothes you don’t wear.

Many times people tell me that they are not sure how to combine colors and colors. How much of each color they should wear when mixing colors in clothes so I thought it was a useful topic to address.

Which Patterns Mix With Everything? Do you treat certain patterns as if they were solids? If you want to become an expert at mixing patterns, finding patterns that can easily mix with anything is the first step.

How to be more adventurous with your style?  Do you mix prints and patterns?

I loved sharing this post after I finally did a personal color analysis for two women with the same palette, but how they wore this palette was so different from each other because of the contrasts of color and value. to understand How to Customize the General Color Palette such an important part personal color analysis.

If your wardrobe is so full that it explodes, you may be holding onto your clothes for emotional reasons, but often these clothes are not worn and just take up space. If this is your wardrobe, it’s full of Expensive or Sensual clothes you don’t wear, Here are 4 questions to ask yourself to help you let them go.

Most of us who get a personal color analysis don’t actually use all the colors in our palettes – and there’s good reason for that, so I wanted to share them because sometimes people think if they don’t like or dislike a color. it really doesn’t make them feel great then all color analysis doesn’t work… but there are good reasons why don’t you use all the colors in your palette.

And how many bad hair days have you had in the past 2 years with all these deadlocks? I know there are several – so I got together with a great hairdresser and we recorded this. Hair Masterclass To help you find ways to fix frizz and have better hair more days of the week.

Pants or Trousers – depending on the part of the world you live in – it is the hardest garment to buy for most women, and there are many reasons, from body shape to the way it’s built – so rather than feeling that you have a problem (which is how most women feel when they can’t find the right pair of pants) you need to know all the reasons why and what you should look for to have more success.

Do you prefer a simpler outfit or a more complex outfit?? This is important to understand as it will affect every wardrobe and accessory choice you make, from what you buy to how you put your clothes together. Neither is true – it’s up to you and your personality!

The best of Inside Out Style in 2021

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