Thoughts on Being Gray – A Well Styled Life®


Everyone’s perspective on gray hair is unique. Whether a woman chooses to embrace or dye her white hair, we must respect her personal choice because the most important thing is to feel comfortable and confident in your own skin. Today I want to share some of my thoughts on graying.

As expected, yesterday as I sat in the stylist’s chair, I decided what to do with my hair. As our conversation dragged on, I realized how unhappy I was with my gray hair. Instead of the shiny silver or white I had hoped for, mother nature gave me a messy mélange of white, silver, and yellow. It’s not shiny, it looks muddy. Combine that with letting my layers grow and you have a recipe for Jennifer to take the scissors into her own hands. Never a good plan

Embracing your gray hair can be a powerful act of self-acceptance, but that’s not true for every woman. I’ve won each of these threads, and they’re full proof of the life I’ve lived. However, I want to look and feel my best, and I’m not convinced I can get there without the help of the highlights.

how did color start

I started adding highlights to my hair at the age of fifteen.

came first good old sunIn, this turned it into a nasty shade of orange and made it feel like straw. Then I moved on to the sophisticated crochet hook and shower cap routine that looked stained and cheesy. I persevered until the foils arrived and “scratched” my hair and could afford a real stylist. I gradually forgot what my original hair color looked like. I knew I was some kind of blonde.

in 2021 I decided to go gray. Many of you have shared your journey and encouraged me to stick with it. Along with its color, its texture has also changed and has lost much of its shine. The whole point of highlights is to add shine, which I must have always felt was missing from my natural color. They also puff up hair which adds body and helps my thinning hair look thicker.

The stylist asked if I wanted her to put a few highlights up front to add that “pop” I missed. I thought long and hard about this, then decided to wait. I cut several layers on my hair and removed about 1 1/2″. I noticed that my at-home stylist was blending my layers with a smoothness that was detrimental to volume.

Volumizing Products

I came home with an arsenal of new hair products to increase my volume and I can go back to using Velcro rollers.

I know that some women prefer how they look without gray hair, and there is no moral failing in that. I can be one of them. As the color continues to evolve and I leave my options open, I will pay more attention to the style of my hair.

Does your stylist help you with how to cut your hair?


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