The Keys to Creating a Great Morning Routine


We’ve all had that morning.

“When we hit the snooze button too many times, ALL of our clothes are in the dirty laundry bin, we’re out of coffee and we can’t find our keys,” he says. Corie Wightlin, M.Ed, CALC. “The thing about these mornings is that they not only affect the morning hours, but put us into a stress response that can be really tough for our body and brain for the rest of the day. With just a few systems in place, you can set your whole day to success, not just your morning.”

So how do we do this? Read on for Wightlin’s expert tips.

Work backwards to plan your time.

“Start with the time you need to get out the door and work your schedule backwards, giving yourself a few extra minutes for each task. For example, if breakfast takes 10 minutes, give yourself 12-15 minutes.”

Write down what you need to do and put it where you can refer.

“After planning backwards, write down all the steps of your morning with the time you will allocate for each task and put it in a place where you can refer to it throughout the morning.”

Do as much as you can the night before.

“Turn on your favorite show or podcast and do as much as you can the night before… make the coffee, pick your outfit, pack the lunch.”

Image: oatawa for Getty

Capture and use the entire system.

“Create a space for everything you need to get out of the house (including your keys, phone, purse, wallet, computer) and make it a habit to use it daily.”

Schedule a dopamine fix.

“Give yourself a figurative gold star for smooth mornings on Friday for chasing your beneficial habits like your favorite coffee, when you’ve been tracking habits all week long, or for a new candlestick trip to the Goal.”


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