The Best of 2021: Plus Size Top Stories and News That Made History


We can’t wait to see what 2022 awaits us! Love, adventures and more. But before we say goodbye to this year, let’s take a look at historical plus size news and breaking news!

The Best of 2021: Plus Size Top Stories and News That Made History

This recap is what we all need to inspire us for the year ahead. Let’s move on to this summary.

Best of 2021: Plus Size Edition

Here you got it! Top ten plus size stories and breaking news for 2021. These individuals and brands marked the year and I can’t wait to see what they do for 2022.

One of the proudest moments was seeing Clark Atlanta University graduates. dear Lee become VersaceThe first Black, plus size runway model. Keep killing bro! These moments made a challenging year enjoyable.

What was your favorite plus-size history-making moment from 2021? Comment below!


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