The Best in Postpartum Fashion and Care


When I gave birth to my first child I was told to come with an empty suitcase for labor and delivery because hospitals have the “best” postpartum care products. Whoever said that shouldn’t have used it my frida products because they certainly weren’t great in comparison.

Despite the vacuum delivery with episiotomy, my recovery was quick – about two weeks later I was back to exercising and a “normal” life. I can say that this is largely thanks to Frida. postpartum kit (I ordered more ice pads) and Donut Pillow (I couldn’t sit for two weeks without this pillow – I literally didn’t leave the apartment without it). It didn’t hurt to have a freezer full of food I prepared, either.

Finally, having comfortable clothes that helped boost my confidence was also key to a speedy recovery. It’s natural to feel better when we feel better about how we look, and this postpartum isn’t always easy.

Click through the slideshow below to learn more about some of the best grooming and fashion options to make the very difficult task of healing as easy as possible.


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