Thanks for support; New Team Update


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Hello Bonanzler!

I hope you are all great! It’s hard to believe I’ve been writing the Bonanza seller blog for over three years. I really enjoyed providing useful content and communicating with you in the comments section. We’ve had fun TurboTraffic sweepstakes, Seller Highlights, and New Feature highlights.

Bonanza Worldwide is growing at lightning speed and we have loads of exciting new projects in the works. As a result, I will spend more time supporting vendors directly. I’m handing the blogging torch this week to a great new team and I hope you enjoy all the valuable content we have planned. The team will post more often. You will see a number of tutorial posts. , new feature launches, seller highlights, and posts aimed at telling the world about Bonanza.

You will continue to see me in the comments section to answer your questions or concerns. When blogging or writing behind the scenes, my priority is the same: supporting our vendors and helping them succeed.

Thank you for the sense of community I feel from your relationship with blogs! It was truly a pleasure.

Best, Shelly B.


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