Master the Art and Science of Putting Stylish Clothes Together —

[ad_1] Having trouble putting together stylish outfits? you can still join me Outfit Masterclass Integration Week Challenge – It will take place from 17th to 21st July and learn more tips on putting clothes together – learn more and join here. If so, you are not alone! Actually, in this video, I answer a reader’s …

Why Don’t Your Clothes Fit Your Size? The reason may surprise you! – Inside out

[ad_1] I think you, like me, have tried on a garment in a store and experienced (more than once) that it doesn’t fit your size. We are not alone – this is perfectly normal and once you start to understand where these standard sizes come from, it makes a lot of sense! Did you know …

Combining Clothes and Accessories in a Harmonious and Interesting Way

[ad_1] Have you ever struggled to put together an outfit that truly represents your personality and style? If so, you are not alone. Many people find it difficult to harmoniously combine clothes to create a cohesive look. Let’s explore how to create a cohesive and personal style recipe that reflects your personality and style. Define …