Seller Spotlight: Sirri Design


Hello, Shelly is here. From time to time, we like to use the blog to bring attention to some of our great sellers. At Bonanza, we have a wonderfully diverse group of vendors with lots of small businesses you might want to support. I interviewed Sirrý Design this week to find out how their business started, what drives them, and what advice they have for other vendors. I’m excited to introduce you to Sigríður, creator of Sirrý Design. You can visit the stand here..

picture of booth poster

How did Sirri Design start?

Sirrý Design started from a young age with my passion for unique and beautiful jewellery. Then my life decided to follow my dreams to study jewelry. I completed my basic jewelery training in 2013 at EUC Lillebælt, Fredericia, Denmark. Since then I have been working on my dream of owning my own shop.

What is the process of designing and manufacturing your jewellery?

Creating jewelry is fascinating, complex, and consists of several stages that can take weeks or months.

Step 1 – Draw the design. Making jewelry starts with an idea. Like an architect who draws the design of a house for the first time, a jewelry designer begins by putting his vision and imagination on paper. But sometimes they happen while I’m working and I make the prototype from the heart. I am a fan of the blank diaries and sketches of design ideas that come to me. As soon as I have an idea, I draw it. If I don’t have a notebook within easy reach, I find a notepad so I don’t forget. Inspiration for a particular jewelry design often comes at unexpected times and places.

Step 2 – Experiment. The next stage is to make a prototype of the jewelry itself. Sometimes the design process is simple. Other times I might try a new metalworking technique. Some gems are complicated to make and I need to create it first to figure out how the object should be made and how I will do it in the future. Other times, the result hasn’t been exactly what I imagined, but I’m happy with the changes. Sometimes, it just doesn’t work at all.

Step 3 – Share with the world on social media. After I finish polishing the jewelry, I move on to the photo shoot. And when everything is ready, I am ready to put the products on my website and all available social media such as Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and Facebook.

How did you get the beautiful images you used?

Taking good photos of jewelry is a lot of work, it takes a lot of effort and patience. I take all the photos myself and actually do everything about the Sirri design myself. After I have finished designing, creating and polishing the jewelry or collection, I begin the process of taking pictures of the jewelry, a homemade shooting box. I take a lot of photos with many different perspectives and layouts. To get the images as good as possible, I need to find the right images and process them in Photoshop.

How did you hear about Bonanza?

I actually found Bonanza on Google a few years ago and opened a Booth, but didn’t do anything with the booth until January 2021. Then I opened it neatly and put in a lot of product.

Do you have a favorite quote you want to share?

If you have the power to make someone happy, do it. The world needs more than that.

What do you like to do when you are not protecting your booth?

In my spare time, I enjoy getting together with my family and friends and having a good time. I also find it important to think about health and mind, so yoga is very important to me.


Many thanks to Sigríður for sharing the story of how it started! Here you can see her magnificent jewellery.


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