Resolutions for the New Year


view of the dawn of a new day through an arched doorway

Do you have a resolution for the year? Regardless, we’ve probably written a (or 3) story about it. Here are some of our favorites for big decisions…

{related: how to make meaningful decisions}

Socialize More

see more posts friendship and flirt!

Be More Careful

{related: Just me Atomic Habits review (TLDR: A great way to build new habits!)}

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

See all our articles about slow fashion and ethical shopping!

{related: making real personal changes with one thing}

More savings

see more personal finance shipments!

{related: how to stick to your decisions}

Pay Debt

See more of our posts on debt!

Learn About Finance

eat better

See all our articles about food (diet, meal preparation, recipes, energy, etc.)

{related: 6 books to help you realize your New Year’s resolutions}

Move More

See more of our posts on to exercise!

Look Brighter

Appreciate More, Stress Less

See all our posts with stress tips.

Organize your life

See all our articles about to organize.

Grow Your Career

See more of our post with career advice.

Be Cunning / Get a Hobby

Read more of our articles about hobbies!

Get Out More

Be More Adventurous

Ladies, do you have any favorite chats or posts that help you improve? The big issues we missed,


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