Monday Thoughts: Detail Overload and the Modern Eyelet OOTW


I walked out of a few stores recently shaking my head and wondering what their designers were thinking. The classic brands I can trust for simple, well-designed pieces offer gaudy, exaggerated details that are frankly poorly done. Well-made Boho is distinctive and recognizable. This thing is just a mess.

That doesn’t mean brands shouldn’t adjust their offerings to align with what’s popular, but don’t abandon your customer base altogether! I’m curious what brands you shop with that have changed their “style” to the point where you have trouble finding what you’re looking for.

birds Eye


Eyelets are one of the perfect warm weather fabrics that mark spring for many women. Ours model on saturday she was modeling a holey blouse that posed some styling challenges. Several readers spoke of the desire to cut out details to soften the garment, and I understood their rationale. Eyelet has lace-like properties and is an inherently feminine fabric (you rarely see men wearing it). A small eyelet embellishment is usually all you need to achieve the look.

tiny rent

Unfortunately, many brands are taking this already feminine fabric and adorning it with shirred, fluffy, ruffled, pleated, contrasting hems, and ruffles to the point of overload. I’ve seen a lot of clothes lately that don’t suit a 5 year old! This is a pity when the clientele is predominantly over 50. Adult women shouldn’t feel silly wearing a fabric just because the brands are so into it.

When I think of the dreaded “mutton dressed as lamb” idiom, that doesn’t usually mean looking silly or childish. I shop online more and more these days to find brands that aren’t in the Little House on the Prairie main wagon. Eyelets should add a touch of femininity to one’s appearance, not make you look like you’re wearing an old coaster… rant.

outfit of the week

This week’s outfit of the week takes a simpler approach to the eyelet. Most eyelets I’ve seen are white, so I decided to focus on some color to see how it would look. If you have a girly air, you may find it less than attractive, but here it is.


The shirt is navy blue but it’s hard to see the detail in this picture. I was planning to wear the open shirt over a navy tank. If the shirt is buttoned up, I wear a nude tank top or tank top so it’s not visible. To complete this casual look, I paired it with lightly distressed cropped jeans, a linen baseball cap, platform sneakers, and chunky silver hoops.


Is eyelet on your styling radar this spring?

Thanks for reading, and be sure to wear what makes you feel safe.


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