Monday Music – What’s Sweet – A Well Styled Life®


Happy Monday ladies. Today I think of everything that is sweet and too sweet for me. We all know that too much sugar is not good for us, so when my husband’s blood sugar level started to rise, we decided to cut sugar out of our diet. I was a dedicated Tab drinker back then, but chemical sweeteners like saccharin or aspartame make me nervous now, so we experiment.

Sugar Alternatives

We started with simple stevia packets that I found hidden in the back of our pantry. It was nearly impossible to determine how much to put in a cup of tea, so either it was too sweet which left a bitter aftertaste, or it wasn’t sweet enough… probably why the can was hidden there. My morning tea is pretty holy to me, so this wouldn’t work.

stevia products

Then I bought organic steevia drops which are much easier to use. I also enjoyed my Chia Pudding, smoothies etc. I’ve also found these flavored liquids to be great for sweetening.

doner and sugar bowl

The problem is, I wanted to use my grandma’s setting sugar bowl and spoon, and if I gave up sugar (not a bad idea), there would be unused leftovers collecting dust in my cupboard. I stick to using the ‘good stuff’ because if not now? When?

My brother asked us to bring him some Swerve to Mexico and once we tried it we knew it was a winner. It measures just like sugar and even caramelizes while cooking, so it’s now our new sweetener.

Very sweet?

Fluffy and flamboyant sleeves are not going anywhere this spring. I don’t have a problem with the emoticon sleeve. Actually, I love when clothes make a dramatic statement. Puffy sleeves are so far from my style that I feel limited by how much I find. Are they your style? Because if so, I will research and shape them for you.

Blue Sweet Blue

Someone said somewhere that women over 50 shouldn’t use blue eyeshadow. I hope it wasn’t me because from now on I’m breaking that rule. Blue eyeshadow is making a comeback and dominating NY Fashion week. I’ve been using neutral headlights for so long that I forget what it’s like to wear color… and that’s a shame.


I was on the lookout for fun eyeshadows to try and I am excited to discover Morphe. I had never heard of the brand until I went to Ulta to get it. my eyeliner. Morphe offers a full range of cruelty free makeup and art tools so I decided to renew some of my brushes as well and discovered the quality is amazing!

“Founded among Los Angeles artists and influencers in 2008, Morphe has gained a reputation for a bold approach to makeup that honors individuality and self-expression.”

format colors

So far, I’ve used the opening scene, the headliner, the sky’s the limit, the celebrity status, and the self-azure. They are heavily pigmented so a little goes a long way and wow, they are fun! I’ll post a few photos once I get used to using colored eyeshadow.


I rarely buy large palettes because I never use all the colors (who does?). But this huge palette is only $20, so I felt like I could risk it and loved every color I’ve tried so far.

Do you use colored eyeshadow?


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