Monday Music – What Happens at 60?


Happy Monday ladies. Today’s music is a little more random than usual. I did a lot of deep diving into the Google rabbit hole this weekend and found some interesting things.

eye exercises

I woke up on Wednesday and found that none of my many glasses were showing clearly to my right eye. They just strengthened my prescription, but even my old lenses weren’t cutting it. I was probably tired or having a nasty dry eye moment, but it landed me in the hole of Google and I discovered eye exercises. So why not? You have to implement everything else, so it made sense.

It turns out that eye exercises are quite popular. Many websites reject the idea of ​​eye exercises when promoting them. I spent about an hour practicing some of the tests and discovered that the best eye exercise everyone agrees on is the 20-20-20 rule.

20-20-20 Rule

The 20-20-20 rule isn’t easy for me to remember, so I put a post-it note on my laptop. After 20 minutes of reading or focusing on a task, look up and focus on something 20 feet away. It helps prevent eye strain and prevents them from drying out.


So I went eyeglass shopping this weekend and these Parker Warby sunglasses. I have an eye appointment tomorrow to recheck my RX before ordering none new glasses!

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Do you listen to podcasts? I love many of them, but I rarely find time to listen, so I have to pick and choose. Apparently there are over 2 million podcast channels. I wondered how many of them were directed to women over 50 and it turned out to be too many! Since the majority of my audience is over 60, I decided to Google this and got a big surprise.

When I searched for podcasts for women over 60, the titles changed dramatically. Now, most of them contain the word old, old or old lady! Looks like the transition to seniority happens at 60, ladies; who knew?! Just that morning, Medicare sent me an e-mail about the retirement home selection. Ah. I’ll be 66 next week and don’t expect to reach 112, so I guess middle age has left the station for me.

Black and White Capsule Travel Cabinet

Rolling clothes rack for river boating at A Well Styled Life

Last Monday, I shared this photo of my black and white capsule wardrobe that I took for us. River Boat Cruise I’m back in 2019. This generated more personal email questions than I’ve had in years! It was the perfect wardrobe for traveling and I still wear most of these pieces. Honestly, I’ve had some style mojo blown up for wearing “I need to look my best in” colors.

outfit of the week

This week our OOTW is on demand. A reader wrote to tell me about it 3 style words It was classic, contemporary and powerful. I love that her third word is an emotion because she knows when she’s feeling it!

She revealed that she likes the leopard touch in her outfits and likes to wear strong colors. Black definitely makes a strong statement, so I created this week’s OOTW with him in mind. The important thing, of course, is that it resonates with it, because a personal-style recipe needs to feel authentic.


Sculpted heels are a popular look for fall, so this loafer mule fits the bill. Jenny Bird Jewelery always hits a modern, contemporary bracelet. The cat eye is a classic shape and the outfit colors are strong. The leopard print is timeless for many women, and this reader loves it, so she will wear it no matter what trend forecasters say.

Thanks for reading and make sure to wear what makes you feel safe!




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