Managing Screen Time May Be Easier Than You Think


Image: Mint Pictures for Getty

Managing screen time isn’t just for kids. In fact, how can we expect our kids not to have meltdowns when we limit their tablets and games while we ourselves have trouble controlling our scrolling?

“While teens are known to have less impulse control than adults, we’re all sensitive to the lure of our phones, and while convenience can sometimes help, too much of a good thing can negatively impact our mood and productivity,” says Dr. . Rebecca Jackson, Vice President of Programs and Results Brain Balance.

Screen time continues to be associated with reduced attention span and behavioral problems – especially among teenagers – and managing and monitoring technology use is becoming more and more difficult as it becomes more and more embedded in our routines. Jackson continues by emphasizing that tablets, laptops and phones can be more of a barrier to friendships and mental health because constant connection and awareness can add to unnecessary stress and pressure.

With that in mind, we chatted with Jackson about tips for building healthy habits when it comes to technology use.

Establish a tech-free bedtime routine to lead to better quality sleep

“An hour before bed, avoiding the light and distractions from your phone helps signal your brain that it’s time to sleep.”

Devices should be turned off or removed from bedrooms at night (or at least in sleep mode)

“We are all susceptible to the ringing of our phones, and even if we resist the urge to look at the screen, this sound can disrupt quality sleep. Putting the phone to sleep or having it in a different room will eliminate both distraction and temptation. This means buying an old-fashioned alarm clock instead of using it to wake you up. may require (worth it).”

Image: Noel Hendrickson for GettyRemove phones and computer alerts during focused work time

“Not all tasks require the same degree of attention and focus, and it’s important to remember that our focus is something limited – we eventually run out. The distraction of a screen that lights up or pops up with every incoming message, each time distracting attention from the task at hand and depleting this limited resource. “When working on an important task that requires focus, it can be helpful to mute all devices and place them face down and at arm’s length. Otherwise, it’s all too easy to pick up the phone and mindlessly scroll when the brain reaches a point where it gets stuck.”

Track your total screen time usage and how you use it

“If you don’t do this already, you will most likely be shocked. The minutes here and there add up quickly. Establishing a daily routine of monitoring your usage will draw attention to the habits you’ve developed over time. Your phone also keeps track of how many times you unlock your phone per day. Being aware of how many times you pick up your phone at a traffic light, watching a show, or in the middle of work can show you opportunities for habits that can be developed.

Setting screen time limits isn’t just for kids

“Setting screen limits for frequently used apps can be a helpful reminder to keep track of your usage goals. Set goals for weekly usage by categories. For example, you could try reducing social media time by 20% this week.”

Pay attention to your mood before swiping

“Are you using your phone as an escape or snooze tactic? If you are already feeling stressed, overwhelmed or negative, your phone can work against you.”

Balance screen time with physical activity

“If you’re working to reduce your social media screen time use, balance that goal with increasing your physical activity. Take a walk, run, do yoga or even just stretch. Processing large amounts of visual information quickly can tire the brain, resulting in a more negative mood, whereas exercise has the opposite effect.”


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