Let’s Discuss: Silent Ignition – Corporette.com


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WSJ had an interesting story aboutsilent ignition“Then let’s discuss. Do you see evidence of possible silent firing in your workplace? In general, are there potential layoffs or layoffs at your company?

I followed all the back-to-office discussions among commentators with obvious interest – including the fact that people who took totally remote jobs are now forced to return to the office several days a week. according to WSJthis is part of the ongoing silent layoff – a general campaign to encourage people to quit.

Here is the opening article (gift link):

Companies lay off some workers without layoffs.

Amid a wave of layoffs hitting US white-collar workers, some employers are taking other approaches to managing their workforces. Some are adding new restrictions to remote working, speeding up scrutiny in performance reviews, or requiring staff to relocate across the country to keep their jobs.

While not labeled as layoffs, human resources professionals and company advisors say these moves can have a similar effect at thinning a company’s ranks at times. It’s also a sign that bosses at white-collar companies have been reinstated after struggling to retain workers amid a tight labor market in recent years.

I wish I could say I was surprised by this, but it looks a bit classic. (Wasn’t it even a plot? office space?) Indeed, those quoted in the WSJ note that this has been going on for years:

Companies have long had ways to fire employees without firing them. Roberta Matuson, executive coach and consultant to companies on human resources issues, said that reorganizing teams, requiring employees to report to new bosses, or forcing them to take on new projects can lead employees to look elsewhere for work.

Some employers prefer corporate restructuring over layoffs because it means they don’t have to separate individuals.

So let’s discuss: Do you see new corporate policies that seem hostile and designed to kick you out? Does it work – do people quit? For those of you who’ve seen layoffs – was there a quiet layoff period before layoffs? In general, what are the signs of impending layoffs that you have noticed in the past?


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