Is Personalized Beauty the Solution to Waste Reduction?


we discussed yesterday How can our fashion choices drastically affect the health of the planet? – and the people who actually work to produce our clothes. But the beauty industry also comes into play in this discussion.

“Waste is generated by formula testers, unsold or returned products, and products past their expiration date in warehouses or on store shelves” explains Vogue Business by Rachel Cernansky. “What further complicates the problem is the lack of data on how much is actually wasted and the absence of solutions to better manage this waste. With retailers returning unsold inventory to brands; expired or discontinued products sent to landfill; and the unused products that end up in customers’ homes, it’s impossible to pinpoint the true numbers of the beauty industry’s waste.”

Personalized beauty is a solution to this problem, at least in part, and is a category that is growing tremendously. In fact, the skincare market is healthy and expected to grow significantly between 2021-2030, according to PRNewswire, but the personalized skincare market is expected to double that.

“We’re not all the same — we all have different skin tones, lifestyle, location, genes, age, etc,” says Joy Chen, co-founder and CEO of the personalized beauty brand. Pure Cultural Beauty. “This means that our skin is also different. It is not right to sell the same “one size fits all” product to people globally when we all have different skin needs. Consumers demand that they get the right and personalized products for them.”

He continues by noting that so many parts of our lives – our food choices, our supplements, our hair – are already moving towards personalization. Since our skin is so different from each other, it’s time for beauty to move forward in this way.

But personalization benefits not only the consumer, but also the planet.

“More than 50% of people have tried more than 50 skincare brands to find the right skincare,” says Chen. “If we can help them personalize what’s right for their skincare, we can reduce waste in the industry. In perspective, close to $4.8 billion of beauty products are thrown out of brands and customers each year. Instead of producing large quantities in hopes of selling, you only do what the customer needs.”

Pure Culture Beauty uses in-home skin tests to objectively personalize specific formulas (cleanser, serum and moisturizer).

Function of Beauty, eSalon, curology, Younique And The Buff Personalized Face Oil are just a few of the other brands and products looking to reduce waste, and given the growth of the market, there are many other brands and products that are sure to join in.


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