Ideal Workplace: Office, WFH, Remote or Hybrid?


professional woman in orange sheath dress sitting at conference table;  talking on cell phone and looking at cityscape from skyscraper window

professional woman in orange sheath dress sitting at conference table;  talking on cell phone and looking at cityscape from skyscraper window

I think at this point most offices have moved from pandemic policies to whatever is next for corporate policy – I know this can generate a lot of flow! I wonder: If you had the choice, where would your ideal workplace be? What is your current working situation and does it reflect your ideal?

Here are the questions:

  • How has your company’s policy changed and is it still changing, in your opinion?
  • Are you always at the office or just some times?
  • Do you still have your own office or room, or do you collaborate?
  • If you’re away for a while or all the time, do you prefer WFH or somewhere else like a cafe?
  • (If you live with other people, how did their situation(s) affect yours?)
  • Where is your ideal work location and are you therefore looking for a new job (are you looking for all remote work or all office work?)

I’m also curious how seniority plays a role in this – for example, I’ve seen a lot of chatter about how difficult it is to teach new lawyers how to become a lawyer remotely.

As I mentioned in early 2020, working from home doesn’t necessarily mean working from your kitchen table. Some people prefer to go to cafes, libraries or even hotel lobbies to get their work done. Having a private office just for you also makes a big difference! Depending on your company policy, you may even be a digital nomad and live elsewhere in the country or the world.

What is your ideal work location this year — office, WFH, remote or hybrid?

Stock photo via stencil.

Mail Ideal Workplace: Office, WFH, Remote or Hybrid? first appeared


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