How to Think Thin Yourself –


Hello ladies,

Today there is a special post from a friend of mine who is the best personal trainer and he has an interesting idea.

consider yourself weak

Here’s what Christine has to tell us…

What if I told you that by quickly changing the way you perceive things, you can lower your blood pressure, lose weight, and feel better? do you believe me You are your property! Stanford professor Alia Crum has proven without a doubt that a positive mindset about eating and exercise can have dramatic and positive effects on the results you can achieve.

Hotel Study

Crum took a group of maids who believed that although they were quite active due to their jobs, by nature they did not get any exercise in a day and randomly divided them into two groups. One group was clearly told that their daily work was actually good exercise, while the other group was told nothing.

Conclusion? The group that was said to exercise through their studies had significantly better health indicators in just 4 weeks. Their systolic blood pressure decreased by 10 points, they lost an average of 3 pounds each, and they felt more positive overall.

Milkshake Study

Another example of mind over matter is the Crums Milkshake Study. A random group of participants was asked to consume two different milkshakes. One group was told that their milkshake was a high-calorie indulgent shake, while the other was told that it was low-calorie and healthy. Although in reality it was the same jolt!

Conclusion? The group, whose shakes were said to be tolerant, had a threefold reduction in the hunger hormone (ghrelin), resulting in decreased appetite and, in theory, weight loss over time. It wasn’t just perception, they just had physiological changes in their body that stemmed from a different mindset! These studies prove that it’s not just about what you do, it’s the mindset you associate with doing it.

Are you ready to consider yourself weak? Here are 2 scientifically proven ways to change your body by simply changing your thinking.


It’s been ingrained many times that we don’t exercise enough these days. So, even when we try, many of us still feel guilty about not doing enough. This can hurt our psyche, but it can also take away the positive effects of the exercise we do. So instead of believing you’re not exercising enough, look for the exercise you’re already doing and focus on the many benefits you’re getting.

For example:

  • Going up and down the stairs to collect your laundry? A great exercise to shape your legs!
  • Park farther from your destination and walk the rest of the way. This calorie-burning exercise will increase your bone density and improve your mood!
  • Are you playing with your children or grandchildren? Think of all the squats you’ve done from the ground up and down! Or the benefit of being on your hands and knees. These are all exercises that Personal Trainers have you do in the gym because they are good for your Hip mobility and building full body strength.


Instead of eating healthy food and thinking of it like a medicine, focus on the flavors and freshness of the food and how indulgent it is to have healthy food at our disposal. But if it’s too hard to change your mindset on eating healthy, try tweaking your recipe a little to make it more indulgent. This will reduce your appetite and keep you full for longer and offset the few extra calories you consume.

For example:

  • Having trouble with portion control? Serve yourself a large bowl of broth-based soup. The magic here is that you feel like you’re eating a lot because it’s a large portion, but in reality it’s just water based!
  • Are you fond of sweets? Throw a few candied walnuts or roasted beets into your usual salad and it’s suddenly a sweet and full-flavored (but still healthy) indulgence!
  • Smoothies don’t keep you full for breakfast? Throw in some unsweetened cocoa powder. Not only does it add minimal calories, but what used to taste healthy now tastes like a chocolate milkshake!

Small changes bring big results. Follow these easy tips to make yourself think thin and look and feel great!

**Article by Christine Sachse. Christine is a Health Coach and Personal Trainer and owner of Roseland Health and Fitness, a full-service Personal Training and wellness studio in Burlington, Ontario. Visit to learn more Christine’s website or follow him on IG or Facebook.

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