How to Safely Nail Your Over 50 Personal Style


It is an often repeated and pervasive belief that we are either born with great style or we are not. It’s like thinking you were born too manners or not, which we all know is bullshit. I’m updating this post from last year with some new thoughts on how to improve your 50+ personal style.

50+ fashion bloggers show how she sculpted her personal style in a white blazer and red jumpsuit

Style is a skill we can learn, and like anything else, the more we practice, the more confident we become. If you’re lucky enough to be exposed to stylish and stylish people early on, your tailoring choices may come easier. But what if it’s not you? How do you develop your personal style and is it too late to improve after 50?

row of pink blouses on the closet bar

When we are over 50, 60, 70, we have lived a lot of life and we want our personal style to reflect our confidence. Our clothes are supposed to tell the world who we are right now and allow us to go out safely.

Fashion advice for older women is all over the place, but not all of them are relevant, so here are a few ideas that can help you define your personal style in midlife.


Jennifer Connolly wears black Victoria Emerson bracelets

“When a woman has a closet full of clothes but nothing to wear, she doesn’t know herself very well.” – Bill Blass

  • Everything starts with knowing yourself. Who are you now and how do you want to look?
  • What is your lifestyle? If you live in a rural area and need clothes for your daily activities, there is no point in making a wardrobe for a sophisticated urbanite.
  • Your wardrobe needs to be functional for your climate. If you live in Florida year-round, you don’t want suede boots and a faux fur jacket in a wardrobe for the winter.
  • By understanding your body shape and dress, highlight your best features and belittle those who don’t go crazy.
  • Buy what you love and wear what suits your current shape. Dressing too loosely or too tight doesn’t show your body the respect it deserves.


Pay attention to the women around you. Are there certain looks that you get over and over again? Be aware of the colors that interest you and the shapes you like.

shaping a flared collar under a sweater

start one Pinterest board and save images that appeal to you. Once you have a large collection, review them and look for similarities. Are the colors similar? Do most of them have classic elements or are they more creative? Are the details feminine or dramatic? This helps train your eye to see what aspects of an outfit you like.

ABSOLUTELY AVOIDhair color dyeing

We’ve all been there, and no one wants to look like they’re stuck in a time warp. If you’ve always loved the classic style, be sure to keep it fresh and modern by styling the pieces in new ways. Open it up. Tuck in half of your shirt. Be aware of trends, but don’t be a slave to them, otherwise you risk looking tragic.

BE BRAVEshowing personal style combining leopard print with jeans and multiple bracelets

Try new combinations and see what works. Take selfies in the mirror because they give you a completely different perspective on how things look. joyful. Do you recognize that woman in the mirror? Does it look the way you want it to look? There are no wrong answers with fashion, so don’t let fear keep you from trying.

ACCESSORIES MAKE A WOMANSgtrett in a white shirt and jeans walks with a bronze bag in his hand.

Personal Style is about taking fashion and making it your own with personal touches that only you can add. Get inspired by another women’s style, but create your own to personalize it. Accessories change the game here and add personality to your outfits. Collect joy-inducing ones, then mix and match to create your signature look.

And finally, know that great style can be found at every price point, so don’t feel limited by your budget.

How would you describe your personal style?


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