How to Prepare Yourself for Style Success — Inside Out Style



I often hear many women say things like…

“I am not stylish”

“I don’t have style”

“I lost my style and I don’t know how to get it back”

“I don’t have time to be stylish”

“I don’t have a big budget for clothes so I can’t be stylish”

“I hate clothes shopping”

“I’m too old/overweight/add excuse here…to be stylish”

and i tell pshaw To all your excuses for knowing that it is possible for any woman to be stylish.

It doesn’t need to be a huge effort, but it does require some changes, and according to James Clear in his book Atomic HabitsTeeny little changes are what you need to do to make any longer-term positive changes in your life.

And that got me thinking about how to apply some of the ideas he shared on how to set yourself up for style success.

How can you use small changes to make a big difference in your style over time?

Environment Shapes Behavior

When you set up your environment in a way that makes it easy to succeed, you’ve won half the battle. It’s like flowing in the direction of the river, rather than trying to row in the direction of the river.

It’s all too easy to form bad habits, either by not doing anything like exercising regularly or not putting your clothes on or doing something that feels like short-term payoff, like eating donuts. A donut is fine, but when eating donuts every day becomes a habit of making bad food choices, it takes a toll on your body over time.

You can use the process you use to form a bad habit, prepare yourself for success and create new good habits, making these new habits easier and more sustainable.

Set Up Your Environment to Succeed

How is your wardrobe environment?

Is it easy for you to reach your clothes?

Is it easy to reach your accessories?

Is everything organized so you can find it quickly?

Do you have a full-length mirror in your wardrobe or dressing room so you can quickly see if your clothing and accessory choices are working?

If your environment isn’t set up to make dressing easier, you’ll be spending a lot more time, for example, is that garment in the washing machine or in the wardrobe? Where are the pants I want to wear? Are they under another garment?

Organize Your Wardrobe

Organized Wardrobe

Accessories are easy to access – the pendant wall means nothing gets mixed up, rings and earrings are easy to find, clothes are hung according to the type and color of clothing.

Make a pleasant environment – more enjoyable.

Organize clothes so you can find them quickly and easily (tips on how to do this are here).

Instead of putting your messy outfits or more formal but rarely needed outfits front and center, easily access the outfits you want to wear so you can grab them quickly and easily. Make it easier for you to be successful by organizing your closet in a practical and useful way.

Put all your clothes on hangers in the same style so everything hangs at the same height so clothes don’t get lost.

Turn shelves into drawers using baskets or containers so your clothes don’t get lost behind a pile. Then Marie Kondo fold (fold vertically) so you can see what’s in those drawers and access your stuff quickly and easily.

What did you notice here? You want to make it easy and fast – that way a new habit isn’t time consuming and cumbersome!

We’re all time-poor, so if an item is hard to access, you wouldn’t consider using it.

How is your wardrobe environment getting in the way of your style right now?

Small Changes Make Big Changes Over Time

Making small changes over time accumulates and makes a big difference. If you keep making a small change in your style every day, over time your style will change a lot. That’s why I developed Upgrade Your Style 31-day style challenge – because you have to dress every day anyway, when you get that little stimulus every day, in 31 days your style will change drastically and your opinion of your style will also change in a positive way.

If your excuse for not being stylish is that you’re not a slim model, why not do a search for “plus size bloggers” and see a lot of stylish women putting that idea aside?

If your excuse for not being stylish is because you’re not young, search Instagram for #50plusstyle or #over50andfabulous and you’ll find plenty of stylish women who aren’t 20 or 30 years old!

If your excuse for not being stylish is that you don’t have a big budget, search for “frugal style” and I’m sure you’ll find a plethora of people who use all their outfits sparingly (Jill Chivers is almost saving money these days). all her clothes) and the stylish one.

Whatever your excuse, prove that excuse wrong and then look for little ways to do something a little different that will improve your style.

So what small changes will you make in your style or thinking about style today? The only way to change a bad habit or create a new good habit is to take a little action!

further reading

Enhance Your Style

How to Build an Ordered Wardrobe (and why would you want one)

How Do I Create a Compatible Wardrobe and Avoid Being Orphaned?

How to Prepare Yourself for Style Success



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