How to Practice Personal Care During the Holidays


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Don’t let the end of the year fool you into being stressed and overwhelmed. farah harris, A psychotherapist and workplace belonging and well-being expert shared with us some of her top tips to help maintain self-care during the holidays.

Read on to take a look at some ideas that will help us all be well mentally, emotionally and physically.

Set and Maintain Boundaries

“We don’t usually think of setting boundaries as part of our self-care, but it does play an important role in our well-being. Healthy boundaries are for our protection. They help us keep the good things in and the bad things out. Knowing your limits is important as it helps you communicate effectively what you can and cannot do and what you can and cannot accept. We often get stressed because our borderline has been crossed.”

Don’t Commit Too Much

“Do you feel stressed when you look at your calendar? We tend to spread ourselves thinly by saying ‘yes’ to everything during the holidays. If you are over-programmed with activities, learn to say ‘no’. It’s a complete sentence. Sometimes we overcommit because we think we are superhuman and can do anything. Other times it may be due to pleasing people. Whatever the reason, try to minimize stress by not over-scheduling and dedicating more of your time.”

out of order

“Who said everything has to be homemade? Start a new tradition. Prepare your holiday meal. This can reduce the stress associated with grocery shopping and meal preparation. Use your time in the kitchen to do other things you enjoy. Maybe you can take a nap. Leave the cooking to someone else so you feel right there and don’t get tired.”

Image: Carol Yepes for Getty

Use Your Support Team

“Taking time to talk to friends and family can be critical to your success at home and at work; It can even improve your health. Stress can weaken a person’s immune system; however, individuals with strong support systems may be better able to manage stress and have more aggressive immune responses to illness than those without such support. A quick breathing session or a friendly affirmation may be just what you need to pull yourself together and move forward.”

Have an Escape Plan

“Not every date is joyful! Instead, there may be some events or people that you won’t attend or be around. However, there are some people and events that you cannot avoid. In this case, be proactive to maintain your peace of mind. For all introverts, they don’t feel the need to talk to everyone in the room. At a networking or family event, decide on two or three people you want to talk to and then go out. If there’s someone you don’t want to interact with, schedule your exit. Try getting to the location earlier and leaving before they arrive.”

Check Your Checkbook

“Holidays are often a season of donations, but that doesn’t mean everything we give has to be financial. Our financial well-being is equally important as our emotional well-being. Create a budget and find other ways to be generous that won’t hurt your wallet.”


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