How To Dress In The Desert Heat (Also Everything You Need To Know)


One of the most appealing and certainly the most memorable things you can do while in Dubai is on a desert safari tour. Platinum Heritage Dubai – I did extensive research and they always come up as the most recommended option and far exceeded anything I’ve heard. What’s so unique is that your tour takes place in an old Land Rover (although you can opt for an air-conditioned car). Safari supplies are also provided, including a headscarf (sometimes referred to as a ghutra or sheila).

Platinum Heritage It’s also one of the only tour companies that allows you to bring babies. We booked a private tour (required if you are traveling with an infant/toddlers) and a driver picked us up from our hotel with a car seat for the infant (Click here for the custom option we chose). It was an oversized, super comfortable SUV with plenty of room to rest before the safari.

They offer a number of tour options (as well as hot air balloon experiences). Ours started with a drive to the Dubai Desert Conservation Reserve we prepared. I thought the hijabs they gave you were just for show but they actually helped to keep us cool! It was 95 degrees on the day of our safari trip (but my iPhone told me it “feels like 119”) and it was still totally bearable – even for my 14-month-old son, who surprisingly didn’t complain when he arrived. scarf.

After at the reserve (and hanging out with some camels along the way), we took an hour-long tour of the desert before attending a falconry show, and then settled into our tent for a wide-ranging Emirati dinner and live entertainment. Our guide was AMAZING. He was very knowledgeable as he gave us insight into native wildlife and helped showcase Emirati cultural heritage.

I was also impressed with the food, which included bread and coffee (they make in front of you) and many other dishes (which came from someone who spent a lot of time in Tel Aviv over the year) some great hummus. As you can see from the photo above, although hours have passed since my son’s bedtime, he was having the best time of his life. My only regret? I didn’t dress for the desert. I was so worried about burning that I chose a breathable fabric. chorale The two-piece look wasn’t actually all that sunny – mostly just warm, so I wish I had chosen something more fluid and breathable.

Click through our slideshow below to take a look at what I should wear for the desert experience (plus the two hijabs I purchased were safari style inspired). While I won’t be able to do another safari anytime soon, I’ve already added most of these items to my cart to keep the Emerati excited.


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