How to Create Your Own Figure Lubrication Guidelines with the Body


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Reader Question: How can I create my own figure flattering guidelines when I need to consider my body shape, body proportions, and body variations?

that’s what i call body equation and here are tips on how to put together your own personalized guidelines because you are a unique person, and general body shape guidelines are just that, general guidelines are not specific recommendations that you should follow or that all will work. joyful!

When compiling your own guidelines, what matters most is what matters most, and only you can decide! Then we need to figure out how to put together information from three different aspects of the body equation.

Let’s start with Body Shape

Body shape is your silhouette – from the front!

Body shape tells you:

  1. Where to put horizontal lines that balance or expand.
  2. Where to add vertical lines to lengthen or thin
  3. Where to add details to draw attention and create focal points
  4. Where to stay clear and detailed in order not to attract attention
  5. The overall silhouette of the outfit

For example, a A-shaped body, You’ll add horizontal details to the top of the bust to balance your hips, as well as to your knees and bottom to balance your hips, as well as to your waist while highlighting your slim waist.

You may want to add vertical details below your waist to lengthen and slim your thighs, hips and legs.

You will draw attention with the details above the waist.

Your overall silhouette is best in fit and flare, as it follows your curves and creates the balance you’re after. Not everyone fits a standard body shape, there are some that are a little bit of one and a little bit of the other, and then you have to combine elements of both.

However, how long your skirt should be or where your tops should end depends on your body proportions.

Let’s Discuss Body Proportions

body proportions vertical is your body shape and guides you on the best lengths of all your legs

  1. arm lengths
  2. top lengths
  3. Jacket lengths
  4. Skirt lengths
  5. pants lengths
  6. necklace lengths

If you don’t want to go into too much detail, there are some very quick guidelines you can follow:

short legs? Short skirts, short tops, short sleeves, short necklaces.

long legs? Longer skirts, longer tops, longer jackets, longer sleeves, longer necklaces

Balanced? Then go halfway – neither too long nor too short! Go half way!

For example, is a midi skirt great for you? It comes down to your body proportions, not your body shape!

Request How do you measure your body proportions?

Then You Have Body Variations

These are all your other parts that are not considered in body shape or proportions, such as:

  1. bust size
  2. Neck length and width
  3. petite or Long
  4. calves
  5. Upper Arms
  6. curvy abdomen
  7. Square or sloping shoulders

and I could go on… and I could go on.

These are all entities, it’s just that sometimes we want to highlight these entities, and sometimes we want to distract them or camouflage them. You pick!

So it is important to create your own figure flattering guidelines as you can be a small chested A shape or a large chested A shape, you will use some of the same guidelines but not all of them and you will fit in. to match your unique shape and proportions.

Or you can be petite, and most guidelines for minions assume you have short legs, but are actually a long legged petite so you need to create your own set of directives.

Your body variations can affect your body shape and proportions in different ways.

You Need To Be A Magician To Put It All Together

Using the line (vertical, horizontal, etc.) design details and scale of the clothing wizard, you can create illusions that deceive the eye, distract attention, and make you look balanced and harmonious.

  1. To use horizontal lines to balance or expand
  2. To use vertical lines lengthen or thin
  3. To use diagonal lines to create movement and move the eye away from or towards something
  4. Use details to add emphasis and focal points
  5. use color for draw attention or withdraw an area
  6. To use scale to balance
Figure compliment guidelines

Focus: Pattern on upper body plus owl brooch on bust

Create Your Own Personalized Style Guidelines

  1. Decide what you want to focus on – add detail and interest to that area – remember this is the distraction element of the clothing wizard and just as important as the elements of illusion!
  2. Decide if you want to lengthen a part of your body – then add vertical lines to that area
  3. Decide if you want to balance an area – then add horizontal lines to the narrower area to create balance
  4. Decide if you want to make a space boring and unobtrusive – then keep it simple and devoid of details, use a darker color to pull it back, and avoid putting horizontal lines on or next to that space.
  5. Explore your body proportions, then use them to find your best hemline.
  6. Decide on your overall scale as well as the scale of different aspects of your body and features, then use larger or smaller scale items or details to balance it out.

In the end, you need to decide what is most important to you and start with recommendations for that and then go from there. Experimenting is the best way to truly understand your own figure flattering guidelines, as you can play around with skirt lengths, shapes, and focal points to find what really works for your beautiful and unique body, and then create your own set of guidelines from there.

If you have no idea about your shape and want to start from there – take mine. body shape calculation test and download your free body shape bible. If you want my professional opinion on your shape, proportions, and what’s prettier – that’s my part. Style program in 7 steps (as well as discovering your best colors and how your personality influences all of your style choices). This is the full style education you never received in school, but it will help you understand what works for you today and what doesn’t.

More Tips to Help You Identify Your Personalized Figure Bragging Guidelines

What Guidelines Should You Follow When Your Body Shape Isn’t “Standard”?

What to Do with the Suggestion of Flattery with Contradictory Figures?

How to Create Your Own Figure Bragging Guidelines with Body Equation

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