How Do You Prepare for a Big Storm?


empty city streets covered with snow and mud

Will you be affected by the approaching great storm, whether on your travels or at home? What are your top tips for preparing for a big storm? I see tons of great tips on the internet and thought of putting some together, but also let me start a discussion about what you’re doing…

If You’re Worried About Losing Strength, How Can You Prepare for a Big Storm?

  • Charge all your devices and travel chargers.
  • Before a storm, unplug or turn off non-essential devices.
  • Microwave etc. If you can’t use it, think about what you’re going to eat.
  • Plan how you can avoid opening your freezer or refrigerator during a potential power outage; For example, you may want to put a cooler small enough for the day.
  • Consider filling a tub with water so that toilets have enough water to flush — this article family mechanic He apparently gives good advice on different toilet systems and when this might affect you.
  • If you’re expecting snowfall or getting a large snowfall, make sure your outdoor vents are turned on to avoid carbon monoxide poisoning – also verify that your carbon monoxide detectors are working. (If you’re traveling, we recently recommended this travel carbon monoxide detectorhas battery backup.) Here is an article with more information.
  • Plus tons of great stuff on NYS’ emergency management site safety tips for power outages!

How to Prepare for a Big Storm If You’re Driving

We hope this is obvious advice – here are some great tips AAA. My tips:

  • Pay attention to local conditions to determine whether you will drive or not.
  • Leave a lot (and a lot of) extra space between you and the vehicle in front of you.
  • AAA recommends that you always have at least half a tank of gasoline.
  • Dress tight – if you tend to do errands without a jacket (or if you have an older child) rejects the concept of the mantle), think again. In case of an accident, you will want to be in thick clothing. (However: If you still have little ones in the car seat, make sure their seat belts still fit properly if they’re wearing jackets or snowsuits – here’s an article They have good advice on snowsuits and car seats.)
  • Keep emergency cold weather gear in your car: a warm blanket, flashlight, snow shovel, etc. Here tips from AAA.

How to Prepare for a Big Storm If You’re Flying

  • Prepare yourself (and your fellow travelers) emotionally for the fact that your flight may be cancelled.
  • Keep your jacket and shoes on board – even if you’re flying somewhere warm, your plane may make an emergency landing somewhere else and you’ll need them.
  • If you’re flexible, see if you can rebook your trip.
  • Download the airline’s app to your phone for easy rebooking.
  • If your credit card has a concierge service, they can help you if you’re having problems the normal way; Article explaining more from Experian.

How Do You Prepare for a Big Storm if Your Area Isn’t Used to the Cold?

I remember this from years when I lived in DC – often if you live in (or visit) a warmer climate, the infrastructure may not be ready for a big storm or fallout. I saw this randomly 14-Tweet thread Along with lots of great tips from Houston weather host Travis Herzog:

  • Prepare to protect your outdoor pets from the cold. (Note: If you want to build a shelter for local stray/wild cats, here are these tips from a wild cat rescue group. Don’t follow your first instincts and don’t use towels or blankets because they get cold when they get wet.)
  • Protect your pipes—consider turning off your home’s water and draining the pipes before the frost starts.
  • To flush toilets, fill your tub with water.

These are the big clues I’ve seen – why worry about the big storm? (Are you worried about extreme weather in general?) What are your top tips for preparing for a big storm?

Stock photo via stencil.


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