How Do You Fit Exercise While Working Long Hours?


woman sits up;  she has a braided ponytail and is wearing orange tights

How do you fit exercise into your life, readers? if you are doing something like 75 Hard Do you do them back-to-back with multiple workouts a day? can you do some exercises every day, like bedtime sit-ups? If you strive for something specific number of steps Besides exercise, how do you find time to take your steps? If your work situation has changed (eg remote office or vice versa), have you changed when/how/where you exercise?

Lots of questions!

(Here’s a post from a long time ago from a guest poster/attorney sharing tips. finding time to exercise when you hate exercise…)

My Tips on How to Fit Workout for Long Work Hours

Here are some of the ideas we’ve discussed in the past:

Combine your commute and exercise. Try walking to work or bike to work.

Get exercise snacks. Do small, 5-10 minute bursts of exercise like a brisk walk at lunchtime, doing some bodyweight exercises throughout the day, or more. New York Times He reports that even 20 seconds of exercise can improve your fitness.

Stack your habits. Add an exercise snack to something you already do, such as planking out of bed or squatting between layers of skincare (e.g. serum, squat, Vitamin D, squat, moisturizer, squat, sunscreen, squat).

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money commitmentlike buying a package of aerobics classes or hire a personal trainer several times a week

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do less sweaty activities lunch exercisesfor example strength training or yoga

Plan or socialize – as one reader put it, “find friends who also love to exercise at work and make a date!”

make it easy – one reader stated that she loves CrossFit because the key to her is to make as many decisions “in the moment” as possible. I won’t be exercising if I have to decide the training myself, so going to Crossfit classes really helps – I just have to come and do the workout listed.

make it fun – Whether your training is your hobby (walking, for example), you enjoy seeing you can lift heavier weights, or you love the music and mood of the classroom — make it fun!

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Readers, what are your tips on how to fit exercise while working long hours? What works for you?

Stock photo via stencil.


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