Happy New Year and Time for a New Focus Word of 2023 — Insider



That time of year – New Year is almost here and we are saying goodbye to 2022. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for coming here, reading and commenting on my articles, participating in my programs and sharing your style journey with me.

After the last 3 years that Covid has heavily affected my life, especially last year, I felt like I was in a somewhat stagnant state as everything went back to the “new normal” but really, life is still different and it’s been around for at least a year as this virus keeps mutating. it will be more.

After thinking for a while about what my focus word would be for 2023 and reading through many lists of possibilities and playing with a couple, it was the word that came to my mind that felt harmonious and spoke about what I thought. RAISE.

word of the year for 2023

Develop Through My Business…

Develop New Ideas

New ideas and ways of doing things are things I like to spend time thinking about and developing. I have a few new ideas and I will launch my Style Up in Style program in early 2023 and create a few new masterclasses and mini-courses that are currently in the filtering phase.

When people ask me where I get my ideas from, it’s really about keeping my eyes and ears open to everything, reading widely, taking online courses, listening to podcasts that encourage me to think about a range of topics. it doesn’t seem to be related to the style at first, but somehow it can be applied to it.

Develop My Program Members

I love helping my clients and program members grow, taking their style (and hopefully life) to a better level that helps them get what they want out of life. I love connecting with them and getting to know them and their lives. Understanding people helps me become a better image consultant, and without that connection it’s hard to give the best advice as there’s no one way to be stylish.

Grow My Image Consultant Students and Alumni

I love mentoring, something I’ve discovered in recent years that really gives me great pleasure. I love seeing people like me who are passionate about color, style and image turn their passion into something that makes a positive impact in the world. That’s why I love mentoring and sharing my vast experience. as well as creating Comprehensive image and color programs for personal stylists and image consultantsI would like to spend more time mentoring those who are as passionate about my industry as I am so that they can realize their potential.

personal color analysis and personal stylist training programs online in Melbourne, Australia and worldwide

Practice on a Personal Level…

Develop Friendships

After seeing almost no one but my family for most of the last 3 years (and even then barely seeing anyone but my husband and children) I’ve had some time recently. I really felt that I needed to make more connections and develop friendships. An introvert who is happy to spend an excessive amount of time on his own in my own head because it’s so easy for me, forgetting to arrange to meet up with friends or develop new friendships and connections.

Improve Family Relationships

It’s always important (in my book) to continue working on your close relationships. My kids are almost grown and I have limited “daily” time with them as I’m sure some of them will be moving out of the house in the next few years. That’s why I like to spend time improving my relationships with them and their partners.

My dad was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s and he and my mom live 8 hours drive away from me and I’ve only seen them once for the past few years due to Covid and my family being old and not wanting to get sick. several times. Given my father’s health and how quickly his memory began to deteriorate over the past year, it’s important that I spend more time with them while he still remembers who I am.

And of course I want to continue to spend quality time with my husband and improve our relationship.

Improve My Health and Fitness

This year I have been able to replace the Covid Pounds I have gained over the past 2 years and become massively stronger as I discovered the form of exercise that really works for me and my body at this stage of my life. Before Covid (and the discovery of arthritis in my lower back), I was doing more HIIT and high-impact training, but that just didn’t feel right anymore and my back ached all the time. I didn’t feel like I was in harmony with my body. Luckily a pilates and yoga studio has moved to my neighborhood and I’ve been doing reformer pilates and yin yoga for over a year now and I’m really feeling better for it. I’ve gotten stronger with the stack, and yin yoga is the best form of exercise to turn off my overactive brain (plus it gives me the stretch my body needs).

I also quit sugar last year (with the exception of the annual treat, Christmas dessert) and feel much less hungry because my blood sugar is much more stable. That’s why I will continue to improve my health and fitness in 2023.

Enhance My Creative Selling Points

One way to turn my brain off is to do some kind of “art therapy” and that was painting for me (I started learning to paint in watercolors this year) and I really started sewing clothes. Again. I enjoy the process and the results and I will continue to do so and continue to improve my skills and seek a course here to learn something new.

I can even go a little further into my garden and plant some more there too!

Finding Your Focus

That’s my focus for 2023.

Do you have a focus word for the year ahead? Here is a handy list

New Year's focus word of the year ideas

What is that? I would love to know what it is and why you chose it!

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year and New Focus Promise 2023 Time H

New Year's focus word of the year ideas



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