Find the Best Amazon Alternative at Bonanza


Bonanza won the Most Recommended Marketplace, Best Communication, and Best Customer Service at the 2021 eCommerceBytes Sellers Choice Awards. We performed equally well in 2020. If you are an online seller, you will find many advantages of selling items online from a booth in Bonanza. Bonanza is widely known to be a great eBay alternative, and there are even more reasons why it’s the best alternative to Amazon.

Our Business: Designed to Advance Your Business

At Bonanza, we empower entrepreneurs to quit busy work and create their dream jobs. Building your online store takes vision, dedication and time – so you need to know that you are building on a solid foundation. That’s why we work tirelessly to build the best tools available to increase sales and help you build a vibrant, stable e-commerce store.

More Control

Take charge of your sales. Reach millions of buyers on Google Shopping and market directly to your own customers.

Free Lists

That’s right – listing your items on Bonanza is free. Listings never expire and you don’t pay anything until they’re sold.

Low Fees

Tired of high costs? Our final value fees start at 3.5%. That’s about a quarter of the typical Amazon referral fee.

Easy Import

Start fast. Copy your items from Amazon, eBay or Etsy and keep them synchronized between your stores.

Less Busy Work

We sweat the little things so you don’t have to. Our suite of easy-to-use tools helps you run your business better.

Friendly Support

At Bonanza we always put sellers first. We are here to help you build a successful online business on your terms.

Should you be invisible to your own customers? We don’t think so. Create sustainable, repeat business with Bonanza’s Customer Marketing tools.

  • Create Customer Lists Filter customers by purchase history, category interests, and more.
  • Review Customer Data See detailed information about past buyers, subscribers and potential customers.
  • Create Targeted Coupons Try special offers for different customer groups to encourage repeat sales.

Success on Bonanza is a more stable ranking than “success” on Amazon or other competitors. Bonanza drives traffic to your booth, which converts to buyers and helps build a sustainable business. If you have great products, you can leverage our customer-obsessed feature set to quickly grow a store that scales to your expectations.

Here are some of the tools in our arsenal that make it easy to optimize interaction with your customers:

  • Customer Marketing Tool. This tool was created to give sellers the opportunity to turn one-time buyers into repeat shoppers. With this tool, you can view data about your past customers and then sort, filter and save customer groups based on these details. You can use these lists to create customized marketing campaigns. Learn more about how this tool works and how to use it to your advantage here.
  • Vendor Statistics Dashboard. Bonanza is committed to providing actionable data that merchants can use to improve their online business. Our statistics dashboard Displays information about item views and revenue in one convenient place. A single glance lets you easily spot item trends and growth patterns to help you control inventory, change prices, and more. The graph also shows when TurboTraffic is active, helping you quickly visualize its traffic-boosting benefits.
  • Web stores. We are constantly improving our Web Store platform, allowing you to build your own branded online presence while managing your inventory through Bonanza. With Web Stores, you can introduce buyers at your stand to your Web Store inventory. pay zero final value fees on all sales made.

The magic of Bonanza is that there are countless paths to success – there is no single formula to follow. You have the freedom to set up your business as you wish. That power comes from having access to the best tools to understand buyers, optimize your listings, and convert one-time buyers into repeat customers.

The Secret to Progress Getting Started

Our mission is to empower entrepreneurs to build a strong and lasting brand. Bonanza sets itself apart from the competition because we give sellers the opportunity to customize their business in the way that works best for them. No matter what you sell – Bonanza is well suited for sellers of all sizes and types of inventory. Whether you have a few items that take up space in your garage, a collection of carefully handcrafted items, or a large collection of anything and everything to sell, Bonanza is a place where you can succeed. All of our tools are designed to attract buyers who will build your brand without demanding too much of your time.

It is no coincidence that the tools we offer can be customized to the needs of our vendors. Our experience has proven to us that listening to our vendors’ feedback is our best opportunity to continually improve our product. Therefore, we have facilitated communication in many ways. we have a dedicated feedback site.

Bonanza’s commitment to entrepreneurs is what allows us to laser focus on the needs of our vendors. Investing strategically in Bonanza will pay off and success is possible in countless ways when you take advantage of the tools we designed with you in mind. We appeal to ambitious sellers by helping them build a roster of loyal, repeat customers. We’ve been helping build successful businesses since 2008; We would be honored to have the opportunity to help you build your own.


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