Easy Ways to Raise Your Mood


Image: Carlos Barquero for Getty

There are many reasons why we are all constantly stressed, often exacerbated by cold weather and lack of sunlight. While these are real, that doesn’t mean we should passively accept them. There are small tweaks to our habits and mindset that can have surprisingly big effects.

We turned to Petra Kolber, vice president of personal development and mindset, to put us on the right track. BODiand asked her to share her best tips for doing just that.

Get out.

“As we head towards the last weeks of the season, getting out into nature and the winter sun will warm your mind and perspective. Pack up, upload your favorite positivity playlist to your digital device (feel more joy), and go out for a brisk walk. Walking outdoors is a surefire way to spring your steps, even on these last winter days.

Be realistic.

“As we begin a new year or a new month, our expectations of how to ‘perfect’ this year and ultimately knock down our goals may be frayed. What we don’t realize is that as our well-intentioned decisions erode, our feelings of frustration at ‘making it through’ increase. Use these last few winter weeks to turn inward and nourish yourself. It’s time to let go of the outer ideals that we often try to live by. Write down what realistic steps you can take every day to create a healthy and sustainable lifestyle, not just in the short term but in the long term.”

Do a social media detox.

“Colder days can often find us hugging the couch and surfing social media. Turn one day a week into a Social Media Detox Day. While watching other people’s “highlights”, notice how good you feel when you stop scrolling and start taking full notice of your own amazing life.

Use the power of touch.

“Connection is one of the greatest gifts we can use to elevate our mood. The last two years may have made us a little wary of cuddling, but human bonding and touch is a powerful way to elevate our mood. Research shows that hugging and hugging for 20 seconds or longer releases the feel-good hormone oxytocin. Single? It’s okay, hug yourself for 20 seconds before you get out of bed. This simple yet radical act of self-love will start your day on a positive note.

Express your gratitude.

Speaking of grades, the best way to raise your own mood is to raise someone else’s. For the rest of the winter, text someone who has made an impact in your life with a daily note of gratitude. Include in the text exactly how they helped you and why you are grateful. Your note will not only make your friends’ day happy, but you’ll also notice how good you feel when you hit the send button.”


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