Does What You Wear Really Affect Your Life? — Inside Out Style


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The Effect of Your Image on Your Success

I don’t like to discuss politics or politicians and this is not something you would expect to see on a blog like this, but as people in the public eye and when there is a general election around the corner in Australia, there is often media speculation and debate about the image of each of the candidates. After a recent interview by the media and with Dee Dee on 3AW (a local Melbourne talk radio station), I was often asked to comment on the image of our leaders and what they were wearing. I thought I’d share with you just some of the fascinating research I’ve learned about the image of politicians and does it really matter.

Listen to the Interview

Current First Impression Research

According to Professor Alexander Todorov of Princeton University, the first impression is only made in 1/10.pearl one second! The old stats of 30 seconds or 8 seconds are gone. We live in a very visual age (all those phone screens, computer screens, and TV screens) where our brains are adapting to visual images faster than ever before. If you’re watching an old TV show or movie, you may feel that the action is “slow” compared to a similar movie today, where there is so much going on from scene to scene. Our ability to process visual information accelerated and became sharper as we began to rely more on it (and less on our other senses of sound and touch).

In this very quick first impression, how do we judge these 4 aspects of a person:

  1. Official
  2. pleasant
  3. Trustworthy
  4. raid

them. Of course, not everything is about one person, but these are very important factors for most of us. Do you want to be seen as a leader? Then you need to be seen as dominant, competent and trustworthy. Do you want to make a new friend? Well, likability and reliability are probably pretty important. Do you want to get a new job? So competence and reliability should be features that are right there.

You may begin to see that making the right impression can help you achieve anything you want in life, whether in your career or in your personal life. That’s why taking control of your self-image (your image is part of what’s called a personal brand) is a very powerful tool to help you get what you want more easily. Each of them communicates before you even open your mouth, as all design elements in clothing and grooming help inform the world, from shapes and styles, fabric and size, to the colors and contrasts you choose.

Since caveman times, we use clothing and symbols to show those in our community information about our status and beliefs. From the robes of religious leaders to the attire of country leaders or monarchs. While in much of the western world our dress code has become more casual than ever, style and image are still very important ways to communicate core aspects of your personality and beliefs. As I wrote before Here, as has been said, we all judge books by their covers.

More Attractive People Are Preferred

Studies have shown that in countries around the world (both east and west):

Attractive people are favored by society and reap benefits that the more mundane is denied. Them:

  • More likely to be employed
  • Get more substantial payment
  • Get easier loan
  • Get better terms in negotiations
  • Having more attractive and highly educated spouses

This is for beginners only! Why is this? From the moment we’re babies, people enjoy looking at attractive things, and in fact, studies have found that babies will look longer at attractive faces than those that are less aesthetically pleasing. We love to enjoy a beautiful sunset view or gaze at a delicate flower. We also like to look at people we find more attractive, which is why Hollywood and Bollywood are filled to the brim with attractive people who spend a lot of time, energy and money to maintain their good looks.

Does Being More Attractive Help You Win The Election?

The Australian study found that a more attractive candidate was associated with an increase in their vote share of about 2% (and quite similar in Germany and even higher in Finland at 2.5-2.8%). This is more for men than women in politics – it only increases their votes for women by about 1%, but outside of politics there is some very interesting research that says your image for women can be equal in terms of attractiveness and success. more important than men.

Does Having Good Personal Presentation Help You Make More Money?

It has been found that having good personal presentation (anyone can make themselves more attractive by taking good care of themselves and wearing body-fitting clothes) can increase your salary package without having to work harder. Depending on your country of residence, the difference between unattractive and attractive salaries is between 10% and 25%, according to research by Hamermesh and Biddle.

So people ask me, “Does anyone notice what I’m wearing or what I look like?” when you say things like My answer is always a resounding “yes!” Much research has found that others respond more positively to you when you present yourself in a more aesthetically pleasing package.

When you get together well, not only will others have a more positive impression of you, but you will also feel more positive about yourself as improving your style and image boosts your self-confidence and improves your self-confidence.

In my book, it’s really a win-win equation.

You Are Your Own Personal Brand

That’s right – you have a personal brand, you have control over the impression you make, how people think and talk about you, and most of it through your appearance, behavior and communication. Your appearance is an important place to start (as I mentioned earlier) as it communicates without you needing to open your mouth. The great thing is that you can choose how to communicate. Even something as simple as taking an extra few minutes to do your hair in the morning or putting on your best jeans that fit well and are in good condition can make all the difference instead of walking out the door with some hair showing. Your unkempt or comfortable part because they are too baggy and misshapen will affect the way you communicate flabby, non-verbally.

You may not be able to control everything in your life, but your image influences how people treat you and what they think of you, and this has an impact on other aspects of your life as well.

Want to Improve Your Image?

If you really want to dominate over your style and image, if you want to be responsible for how you are perceived and what you reflect, then what do you need as style education because it is an essential part for you. The education you never got in school has the power to influence most of your life, and why am I so passionate about helping smart women define their personal brand image so they can express more of who they are and have the charisma that comes from them? confidence shines through and gives them an advantage. The difference between 10% of your annual working life in your salary package is huge! Or to have more doors and opportunities arise for you because it is something that is under your control because you present it well. A small daily investment for a potentially life-changing result!

Rather than procrastinating and hoping that it will be enough to get the latest fashion, it’s time to take control and get your style education, so I created my own. Style program in 7 stepsIt starts with the most important aspect of style – giving you all the tools you need to understand who you are, your personality and how that affects your style, and also to understand what colors and clothing styles are best for your unique body. . It also allows you to find out what kind of wardrobe you should create according to these aspects and what you need for your lifestyle, taking into account your values. find more Join here and now.

Does what you wear really affect your life?  How can your personal brand image help or hinder you?

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