Crop Tops at Work: Yes or No?


the woman is wearing a white crop top, jeans and a blazer;  sitting on the edge of a yellow sofa

Emerging “trends” New York Times Style section reports don’t always qualify as real, real-world trends, last week’s story “Who Wears Crop Tops in the Office?” definitely seems based on reality. So let’s chat about it today! (We also linked to the article last week’s news article.)

So tell me, readers: Have you seen any Gen Z (or anyone else) wearing cropped tops at your workplace? (Related: Do you work in an office that has drastically relaxed the dress code since Prior Times?) Do you think there are any ways to make cropped tops at least marginally acceptable in the office?

{related: what not to wear to work}

To kick off this open topic, here are a few excerpts from the story that will be discussed – especially the parts we’ve bolded:

On TikTok, videos showing cropped tops as business suits often draw criticism from users, including accusations of unprofessionalism and suggestions that posters only portray the lives of real office workers. However, this trend is also praised, especially by members of the Z generation. A stylish show of resistance to the status quo.

While the fashion trends of the 1990s and early 2000s continued to grow in popularity, cropped or pierced tops with eccentric cuts are widely available in stores today. Many retail websites, including Revolve, Forever 21, Asos, Shein, and Fashion Nova, showcase short tops in the workwear categories alongside miniskirts and backless blouses. Depending on how they are presented online, The recent college grad could be forgiven for thinking cropped tops are perfectly office-appropriate.

in the last few weeks Weekend Open Topicone commenter posted a link to the NYT story and reader discussion including the appropriate response, “Oh no. No no no no no no.”

Readers specifically complained that some of the women interviewed “didn’t like the idea of ​​spending money on professional clothing.” [they] will only wear it a few days a week.” After all, as one reviewer noted, “Work clothes can be cheap.”

I found a bunch with a quick glance on TikTok. videos about wearing crop tops at work, some women say they do it because they are the ONLY shirts they have. (As someone old enough to have a young child from Gen Z, I can tell them: “But don’t you get cold in the winter?! Also, get off my lawn!”)

{related: here are bare arms: yes or no? (from 2011 for “historical” perspective)

Readers, what are your thoughts? How would someone who wears a crop top be handled by your office?

Stock photo via stencil.


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