Can You Bring Homemade Cookies to Your Boss?


sugar cookies with abundant sprinkles sit on baking racks with a heart-shaped whisk near the rack;  There is a pink background.

We have a sweet and simple reader question: When an out-of-town boss comes to town, is it okay to bring home-baked cookies to the office?

Let’s discuss — I wonder what readers have to say here.

The old advice here would be NO. period. DO NOT DO HOUSEHOLD THINGS LIKE BRINGING COOKIES FOR YOUR CO-FRIENDS. Worst of all, because you prefer to be at home (“traditional spouse” as the children say); most likely youroffice mom”A super candidate for doing the group and therefore all the vile work, ungrateful, office cleaning tasks around the office.

But that may be changing as a new generation of bosses comes to power and gender stereotypes evolve. Here are some parameters to think about:

Can You Bring Homemade Cookies to Your Boss?

Is cooking and/or cooking part of your business? If so, of course.

You known For your cookies? Is this something you’ve talked about with the boss in the past, for example, how much you like to cook in your spare time? Have you baked them for office-related events in the past and your coworkers keep talking about your cookies? In that case, maybe bring cookies. (Alternatively: Were you kidding? Ted Lasso’s biscuits with the boss?)

dir-dir everyone Are you bringing food to the office? My gut tells me that yes, even though gender is a social construct, it will still fall along multi-sex lines. If men don’t bring food, you, as a woman, shouldn’t either (and “office women” certainly shouldn’t bring food if men don’t).

Are your co-workers mostly male? If so, you may already feel like you’re swimming against the current, and pointing out the fact that you’re a woman would probably be a bad idea.

Would your boss bring cookies if he were you? I’ve had the privilege of working with some great female bosses and a lot of female-dominated teams, and even then I don’t mind bringing cookies because the vast majority of my female bosses have struggled in their own way. The general misogyny in the office warned against previous advice not to do chores in the office. if I am had If I made them and brought them cookies, they’d roll their eyes and assume I was halfway through being a stay-at-home mom. (At best, I’d take a hard lesson in how women can’t. To do things at work.)

one of my old bosses maybe I brought cookies for a supervisor, but my “yes” is extremely circumstantial: That boss was the editor-in-chief. Family Circle magazine (running cookie contests!) and became president of the James Beard Foundation – so the food stuff was right up his street and contextually relevant to most of his business.

(This is the same boss I remember once one of the most stylish women i know professionally!)

Readers, I can’t wait to hear what you have to say – should this reader bring home-baked cookies to his boss? If your answer depends on it, what factors will be most important to your analysis?

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