Bonanza 101: eBay Importer FAQ


Bonanza Worldwide is busy working on various site improvements and I look forward to sharing them with you as soon as they are fully developed. Stay tuned! In the meantime, I wanted to clear up some of the most Frequently Asked Questions about the eBay importer and sync tool.

Will my login data be revised during each sync?

By default, subsequent item imports will only take care of items added to your eBay account since the last eBay import.

if you are make no changes to your listings on eBay after you have already imported them If you want to go to Bonanza and want these changes to show in your Bonanza listings, you’ll want to point out that the importer must do it. override existing items. You will need to use this setting to update prices, shipping, descriptions, and other changes other than images. (To update imagesyou have to do this manually in Bonanza or delete the list and let the next import bring it back with new images.)

  • Go to “New and Revised Items” under eBay Import Settings
  • Select “Import new items and override existing items”

    • This option can save significant time on your import
    • Any edits you have made to your previously imported lists in Bonanza will be lost; use this option with caution!

Does the importer remove items from Bonanza that are no longer available on eBay (or vice versa)?

By default, we keep your items synchronized between your eBay and Bonanza stores over time.

When an item is removed from your eBay store (because it’s sold, unlisted, expired, etc.), we can automatically remove it from your Bonanza store so you can only sell items that are in stock. If you set the list to “,Out of stock“situation or manually terminate A listing on eBay will not be automatically removed from your Bonanza account because it is still an active status on eBay. you have to manually delete Move “Sold Out”, manually terminated or unsold auction listings from your Bonanza account, or “Leave” status.

You can choose to remove sold or expired items, remove items that are no longer available on eBay for any reason (for example, “Item has expired”), or never remove items imported from Bonanza.

If you find that inactive eBay items are still listed in your Bonanza account, we recommend running a Cabin Clean to remove these listings. By default, booth clearing will only remove inactive eBay items that are “For Sale” or “Ready for Sale” on Bonanza. To also remove inactive eBay items in the “Reserved” status, be sure to select the “Remove inactive Reserved Bonanza listings on eBay” option. Click the “Remove with next sync” button to start the cabinet cleaning.

Sellers can choose to remove their listings from eBay when they sell on Bonanza under the “Other import options” section (if you currently have the importer setup to sync your listings, cancel sync before reviewing your settings). Select “Update item quantity on eBay after a Bonanza sale” and then start your import to save these settings. If you own only one of the items posted on eBay, we will stop listing where eBay allows.

How can I cancel my current automatic sync or change my settings?

When you start a sync, you can edit your settings or cancel your automatic sync. Visit your “Sales > Import from eBay” page and go to your Current Import Settings. Click the button to edit your sync settings or cancel your sync altogether. If the green “Start Your eBay Import” button is shown, it means that automatic sync is currently turned off. If you wish to remove the link entirely, you must do so from your eBay account by revoking third-party authorization for Bonanza.

Ours All About eBay Importer The page has all this information and more. Check out how this handy tool can make selling on Bonanza a breeze!

If you have any other questions, please leave them in the comments, I will be happy to answer them. Or you can contact us Award-Winning Support Team for a tailored response to your specific account. Happy sales!


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