Best New Skills to Learn for Your Career


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Readers, what do you think are the best new skills to learn for your career? Where do you think your general area is lacking (for example, more lawyers should know X)? If you personally want to learn a new career-related skill, what is it and how do you go about it? (Is this a 2023 resolution for you?)

A week ago I saw an interesting interview with a TikToker. Teaches Excel skillsIt’s a program that I use often, but only superficially.

We’ve talked in the past about how to learn some new career-related skills.

Further reading from the web:

  • 20 Essential New Skills You Need to Learn to Advance Your Career [Indeed]
  • The Most Valuable Career Skills of 2023 [Investopedia]
  • Top 10 Most Demanded Skills for the Next 10 Years [Forbes]

stock photo via shooting.


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