An Expert Drops Viral Skincare TikTok Trends


Image: Pamai Techaphan for Getty

We’ve all encountered the seemingly endless viral skincare TikTok trends like “sunscreen contouring,” “face taping,” and the ever-present “this product will cure your acne.” While these trends are helpful (and often funny), they are not always backed by science and can sometimes lead to widespread misinformation. We turned to Jewel to separate fact from fiction, Woodhouse Spas chief esthetician and corporate trainer.

Can toothpaste clear up acne?

“Using toothpaste can cause a skin reaction and make acne worse. Before 2016, toothpaste had an ingredient called Triclosan that could help dry up pimples; however, this ingredient has been banned by the FDA since 2016 and is no longer available in toothpaste. Treat instead with one of: Benzoyl peroxide, Salicylic acid, or Adapalene.”

Is “sunscreen styling” dangerous?

“Do not follow this trend. It is not safe to deliberately ‘tan’ the contour lines of your face. Any skin that darkens due to UV exposure is a sign of sun damage; therefore contour lines are signs of sun damage and can lead to melanoma.”

Image: Klaus Vedfelt for Getty

Does taping your face prevent wrinkles?

“Tapping tape on your face actually reminds you not to raise your eyebrows or wrinkle your face, so it limits facial movements. But sticking tape to your face will not prevent wrinkles or creases; it just acts as a reminder to make fewer facial movements.”

Can Neosporin be used to treat acne scars?

Neosporin is not recommended by a dermatologist as it carries the risk of allergic reaction to the neomycin content in its content. Neosporin is not recommended to treat acne-causing bacteria. Acne scars are inflamed spots that develop discoloration as they heal. Look for ingredients like vitamin C to treat acne scars, vitamin C to reduce the appearance of post-acne dark spots, and salicylic acid to help reduce scar tissue.

Does face rounding help slim your face?

“Face rounding focuses on complexion and reducing puffiness. This is not a permanent fix and will not change your jawline or facial contours. Three ways to slim down the face are Masseter Botox, chin fillers and/or cheek fillers.”


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