An Easy Trick to Delete Photos on Your iPhone


woman with reddish hair in a ponytail scrolls through her phone;  you're looking over your shoulder

Have 10,000 photos on your phone and don’t want to delete them all from your phone? Something I’ve started doing recently (perhaps based on a tip I saw in the comments here?) is going to my iPhone Photos app and searching by: Today’s date.

So I would type “May 8” for today and then watch my iPhone take all the photos I took on May 8th. (Unfortunately I have about four years of photos on my phone.)

Sometimes there are only a few images for that day and sometimes there are more than 100 images. Maybe my parents went to an interesting place and I decided I needed a lot of photos. Sometimes I’ve taken zillions of screenshots of a Facebook chat or recipes from a cookbook I got from the library (or screenshots if this is an e-cookbook). Sometimes my youngest son takes over my phone and takes 10,000 emotional photos of his favorite toys.

I should also mention here that all my photos are backed up to Dropbox (as GOOD as iCloud) and then saved to my hard drive, so I really shouldn’t have any qualms about deleting them wholesale.

I’m not doing that though – is it because I’m sentimental or because I’m a hoarder, who can say?! Instead, I’ll swipe through the day and pick the best ones to keep. Sometimes I even act on a screenshot remembering that I wanted to read a book or look at a website or OH HEY, we liked that bottle of wine so I have to buy it again.

(I also use my camera phone to do mini-reviews of things I like or dislike, mostly by taking a picture of my hand in front of the product, signaling likes or dislikes.)

Even the most voluminous day takes just five minutes to do — and depending on how forgetful I’ve been lately, I’ll do it a few days at a time, going backwards or forwards.

How do you edit your photos and keep or delete the ones you want?

Stock photo via stencil.


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