Amazon fees reach 50%


It’s getting harder and harder for small businesses to be profitable on Amazon because sellers are spending more and more money on fees. To help keep costs down, many sellers are choosing to diversify their listing platforms and post products in alternative marketplaces like Bonanza, where fees are still low.

According to this Market PulseAmazon has been charging sellers more per transaction for six years in a row. Bloomberg It reports that Amazon’s average cut from each sale crossed 50% for the first time in 2022. The research firm calculated the total cost of selling on Amazon by adding selling fees, warehouse storage, packaging, delivery and required advertising on a site with hundreds of people. Millions of products are vying for attention.

Sellers don’t have the same competition in our smaller marketplace, and while we won’t be replacing Amazon, we can definitely round out your profits with our lower fees. (Fun fact: Bonanza hasn’t increased its sales fee percentages since 2016!)

Risk-free selling at Bonanza

We’ve made a few improvements to our free app recently. Amazon Importer so you can easily and accurately copy your products to your Bonanza stand. Your Amazon listings are then synced to Bonanza for seamless and simple inventory management.

Another plus: There is no need to pay upfront for on-demand ads, which most merchants consider a necessary part of doing business on Amazon. If you haven’t disabled it, Bonanza It pays upfront for all advertisements and includes every eligible item on your stand. We also offer optional ad boosts like TurboTraffic if you want to maximize traffic.

customer service

Bonanza was created with simplicity in mind, and many people have no reason to contact our support team. If questions arise, we are ready with answers. Our team can assist with booth setup, import/sync, shipping, editing listings and much more. There’s an expert ready to help you set up a custom Web store with your own domain name, and another expert to help you make sure all your listings are approved by Google Shopping for optimal advertising.

Getting started is easy

Bring all your items from eBay, Amazon or Etsy with just a few clicks.


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