A New Travel Show With a Plus Size Person Center? Yes! “Never say


Jeff Jenkins (chubby diaries) is an award-winning content creator helping chubby people travel the world. His contagious spirit and can-do attitude earned him his own travel show. “Never say Never”Releases July 9, 2023 on Nat Geo and Disney+ (mark your calendars).

Jeff’s main message is: anyone can travel as they are now, regardless of their size, race or background.

We had the privilege of talking to Jeff about his upcoming show! But before you continue reading and learn more about this big and tall traveler, take a look at the trailer for “Never Say Never.”

Tell me why you want to do this show?

Jeff: I know what my mission is and this was another strategic way to implement my message.

Never moon Never star interview with Jeff Jenkins of Chubby Diaries
Image via Nat Geo

Why the “Never Say Never” title?

Jeff: I can’t believe it, it was Nat Geo. I gave them 3 titles they tested and this title won. It was actually a humble moment because this title tested better than the others. It wasn’t even close for a second, so it made me feel like… okay….yeah.

How did you start traveling? When was your first trip?

Jeff: The first trip I can actually remember where I was was, “Hey man, I love this travel thing!” It’s a bit of a difficult story actually, like going from place to place.

My mother was fleeing Florida to Connecticut at the time because of a domestic violence issue with her husband. We took a Greyhound from Orlando, Florida to Connecticut which was a one or two day process.

Being on that bus, seeing all those trees and all these new things, going city to city, stopping at rest areas and all those things, “Oh, I like that! I really like this!”

To be honest, I got excited about it. I was 4-5 years old, so I couldn’t say that I knew much. I didn’t know the enormity of what was going on in my mother’s life at the time, but it was very important.

So, was that your first sense of adventure?

Jeff: Yeah, that’s how my mom summed it up, like it was an adventure.

Jeff Jenkins starring in Never Say Never, Chubby Diaries (3)
Image via Nat Geo

It seems your mother is a very brave woman.

Jeff: It really is. I owe him a lot.

45 countries! Which was your biggest plus size friendly country?

Jeff: South Africa. There were tons of plus size men and women with different experiences. There was much more accommodation made for everyone. I would go to a restaurant and they wouldn’t have seats and I thought this was great. I was able to do the different trips I did without any complications or anything.

Least Plus size friendly?

Jeff: About that.. It must be somewhere in Europe.

Was it more of an attitude, or did it seem like it wouldn’t fit in the seats or anything?

Jeff: Yes, I’m going more in that sense. Europe has all these old buildings. Like little doors. People in Europe were great in that sense. But the seats, like plastic chairs, are not plus size friendly.

Most of these South Asian countries are in the same boat. And I would even say that Vietnam might be my least plus-size-friendly place when I add people to it. Mostly looks. It bothered me a lot. I don’t know if it’s because I’m black or because I’m fat. But I guess it was because I was fat because there were other black people among us who weren’t stared at.

Never Say Never Star Jeff Jenkins, Chubby Diaries (1)
Image via Nat Geo

Did you feel safe traveling as a black man? Do you do research to ensure your safety before traveling?

Jeff: I actually feel safer inside the country than traveling abroad. I definitely feel safe for the most part. doing my research I know people who often go before me and are very helpful.

I never feel discriminated against outside of the Caribbean. I faced more discrimination than the Caribbean. It comes from hotel or service staff. I think one of those things is they think white bosses are better, so it’s a bias.

I learned how to deal with it. There were times when I stood up for myself. The moment I realized it, they changed and gave me the same experience and service that everyone else gets.

Do you have a to-do list trip you’re dying to do?

Jeff: ANTARCTICA! I really want to do this on board. I want to make the transition that feels like we’re about to topple, but we’re not. People have told me about the absence of sound. You’ll be there and be able to hear your heartbeat. Yes, this is something I want to experience! And so that I can say that I have traveled all continents.

You seem to be embarking on quite adventurous adventures during the show… What were you most afraid of trying?

Jeff: Climbing 70 meters of cliffs. Yes, it’s literally like base climbing. Hands and feet, that’s it! You’ll have to wait and find out if I made it to the mountain, but it was definitely a success.

As you went up, you only had one small boulder, as if you didn’t even think you could grasp it. Actually, thinking about it now makes me a little nervous.

Are you afraid of heights?

Jeff: I’m afraid of falling. If I’m safe, I like heights. It is the fear of falling.

Definitely get it! What was the most fun?!

Jeff: I went Sumo wrestling with a former world champion. I worked like a Sumo, everything. The whole point was to liberate the thought of shame that can come from being a greater human being.

I love the term “isolation fears” you use. How can your average chubby traveler be sure they can participate in an activity while traveling?

Jeff: I always say, research. Check out the trip and find out the dimensions, call ahead, the website may even let you know if they have something you can use or modifications.

I think this show and my message was that I was one of the first or greatest people to make some of these trips and discovered that these tour operators can easily make changes. In this way, we hope to show other tour operators that they can do the same.

Never Say Never Star Jeff Jenkins, Chubby Diaries (1)
Image via Nat Geo

Have you ever had an adventure that you couldn’t do because there was no place to stay?

Jeff: Television is great. And it played into what I already knew what people were capable of. Many people say that plus size people cannot make this trip for safety reasons. But man is creative.

So there are planes, there are skyscrapers, it’s all about being innovative. Disney does a great job at this, it’s more plus size friendly than any other theme park, you need to be creative and keep plus size people in mind when planning a trip.

Was there any activity that you refused or refused to do?

Jeff: Bungee jumping is unlisted.

What is the most unique food you have eaten while traveling?

Jeff: In Japan they put the whole chicken, every piece of it on the stick. They’re going to fry and barbecue that bad boy. It was really bad… not good. The heart, liver and skin were not good but every other part of the chicken was great. Chicken feet were actually okay but the organs didn’t work for me.

I also ate scorpion in Thailand. It tasted like popcorn kernels. What gets stuck in your teeth, that texture and crunch. It wasn’t meaty at all, so it was hollow. I ate it once and said one day.

Never Say Never Star Jeff Jenkins, Chubby Diaries (4)
Image via Nat Geo

Do you normally travel alone? So why?

Jeff: Often alone or with a person with a camera. Sometimes my wife comes with me. Even though my job is incredibly fun, it’s still my job. Definitely business.

What is your favorite travel accessory?

Jeff: It’s not really a travel accessory but this phone is my life. Before iPhones came out, I used to travel. I had to look up Rick Steves books and Lonely Planet just to get my itinerary or know where to go.

So, to be able to do so much, from transportation to directions to almost everything, I would never leave the house without it.

Also a straw of life is always a good idea. And I love my portable speaker.

Will there be a season 2?

Jeff: We don’t know yet. We’re about to arrive at a place we’ll soon learn.

Where do you hope to go from here?

Jeff: Do more dope content and I would love to be in a place where I can do my own shows. Give other people the opportunities I have.

“Live Life Now!” I love your slogan. Do you have words of encouragement to leave readers?

Jeff: Often times it’s just about making a commitment. There are so many things you’ve probably thought of doing that were on your to-do list, now it’s time to commit to it and go for it!

Be sure to watch Jeff Jenkin’s show “Never Say Never” dated July 9, 2023. Nat Geo!

How cool is this show going to be?! We’ll be set… okay?

When we think of plus-size representation on TV, “Never Say Never” is a great new addition to what’s within our reach. we emphasized Various plus size groups based on travel on FBand recently walking communitiesmore!

I hope this show inspires a new wave of plus-size people going on the adventure they’ve always wanted, especially after watching “Never Say Never!”

So, is anyone watching the party?


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