84 – Inside Out Style


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0.08 I read your post Is color contrast dominant or value contrast dominant and can you be value contrast dominant even though your ideal value contrast is medium? I believe I am medium contrast and consider all my features neutral. My eyes have green (hazel) but they look brown if you don’t look closely in daylight. My hair is neutral and I think my skin is neutral too. Your equal color and value contrast dominance category includes women with medium contrast and monochromatic traits. But what if you have medium contrast and neutrals?

2.26 My biggest style challenge is getting out of my routine with my clothes – I feel like my clothes are boring, boring and lack imagination and creativity. I find myself going to the same vintage stores and buying more and more of the same things because I don’t know how to put together an outfit with a special quality that feels like mine and takes it to the next level without feeling finished. top. I took your test and my main personal style is Classic, which I agree with, but lately I find it incredibly boring, and when I’m dressed in color – dressed like Bright Spring – my outfits are still a bit stale and lifeless.

8.47 After giving birth to my children, I seem to have wounds of being permanently pregnant in my 30s.

This makes it very difficult to (a) ask me some version of the “when to give birth” question, and (b) assume that I should be pregnant.

Or (c) if I try to dress to camouflage my protruding stomach, people will instantly think I’m at least 10 years older than I am.

Can you please suggest some clothing styles that would work for someone who is petite, creative (but in a business setting) and will allow me to look my age or younger?

Color Contrast and Value Contrast Dominant

Do You Dominate Color Contrast or Value Contrast?

Getting the Balance Right with Your Color Contrast

Understanding Value and Contradiction – Celebrity Version

How to Avoid Style Rut

What to Do When You’re Stuck in a Style Routine

Hit the Style Highway and Step Out of Style with 3 Essential Questions

How to Build Your Personal Style from the Base to the Top

How to Flatten a Protruding Stomach

How to Flatten a Protruding Stomach

7 Easy Ways to Hide Your Belly

To listen…. do you hear this? What Is Your Body Telling You About Your Wardrobe?

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0.11 Hello! My biggest problem is being overweight. I don’t look that good in my clothes and I can’t do some styles in my clothes that I could do if I was thinner. My classic rectangular body, which harmonizes with my classic style, is gone. And I bloomed up to size 18/20. At 5’4 I feel like an apple on a stick! Help!

4.57 My biggest challenge is to master everything. I adore clothes. I have too many. I love them all. I’ve spent the last few years shrinking and getting rid of a lot, but my closet is still overflowing. I wear clothes in turns so everything wears out at some point. It’s overwhelming most of the time. I would like to cut them all in half.

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